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Introduction to the Book of Gordoks

Pre Bekra  Ages

First Bekra
Day of Doom
The Awakening

Second Bekra

Third Bekra

Fourth Bekra

Welcome to Lesser Earth! The land where legends are made. Hear tales of heroes, warlords, peace loving kings, and realms forgotten. Learn the history of the Lesser Realm and how it's people live. The information contained herein is that which the Danninnians long ago established as fact through the Great Book of Gordoks.

bulletBegin The Journey

Take the journey of a lifetime and begin to read of the legends of another realm. Take a sword, some extra clothing and some food. Its going to be a grand adventure!

bulletTake a Tour

Taking a quick look over maps and pictures of the lands of the Lesser Realm will help you understand their culture and where they live.
bulletTravel to the Message Boards

If you become a fan and would like to learn more about Lesser Earth, then this is the place to do it. Much of the history and culture of the Lesser Realm has already been discovered and translated into modern day languages and readings, but others still only the writer knows of. Stop by for some enlightenment.


Tongues of Lesser Earth

Each Kingdom has their own language and dialects. Not all of them will ever be known, but many of the more used languages can be learned.


A Beginning Scholar's Note

If you are new to Lesser Earth, you probably have lots of questions. Don't fear. This short summary of the site will help you out and get you grounded in what you will need to understand and know.

Index of Bekran

The First Bekra
The creation of Lesser Earth and the ancient history of it's peoples.

The Second Bekra
The times of war and kingdom building.

The Third Bekra
The years of the Great War and founding of a second Atlantis!

The Fourth Bekra
The saga continues!