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Av links on the left and right side,Tdo does not claim them to be our own work. Those av's are a collection from various resources. If anyone sees an av that is their origional work, pls let us know, will be glad to remove. The link in the middle of the page are tdo's origional av's,,and prepaints. All cut and resized by tdo. Hope you all enjoy your visit,,their is much to see. Ty

American Mega Avatars

Mega Blondes

Mega Brunette

Mega RedHeads

Mega Female B&W

Ebony Females


Abstract Backgrounds

Mega Men

Ebony Male

Couple Mega Av's

BRB & Signs


Female Dolls

Male Dolls

Cajunbratt's Monkeys

Cajunbratt's Monkeys 2

Cajunbratt's Monkeys 3

Cajunbratt's Monkeys 4

Cajunbratt's BG sets

TDOStaff Prepaints and
Origional Av's cut and sized by tdo staff
Pls do not post av's found on
this page to any other site,ty

For Staff Prepaints and Oasis Origionals. Click on the banner.

For more Avatars and variety of vp stuff. Click this banner to go to our partner site "HIR".

These pages are under constant construction, I hope you will forgive the clutter...enjoy your visit.

I think you will find it worth your time.

Thank You.