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Sit by the fire and I will tell you my tales . . . 

Would you like to know more about my character Deoris? This is the right page. The above picture is what I've chosen as a representative portrait of my character in Themiscyra. You will find alternative pictures below.

Please click the links to read more about Deoris.


Biographies - Summaries About Deoris

Renewal, Rebirth, Rejoice - A Solstice tale

Little Kitten - Part One - Historical tale

Click here to see a picture of Deoris, courtesy of Morigan of Eire, one of my sisters.

Click to see a custom anime of Deoris by Chou, one of my sisters.


A portrait of Deoris Ronan, Priestess of Artemis.

My sister, Domaris, my elder by 12 years. Sorceress by trade, Protectoress by Divine Decree.