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Philip Pullman
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Commentaries - First Issue - An Overview of HDM
By Liz, Staff Writer

HDM(His Dark Materials)by Philip Pullman is a three book series. It's a bit anti church, but even if you're very religus I belive you would like it. It's also a bit dark and morbid, but an interesting series.

The main character in the first book is a girl named Lyra. She is joined by Will, a boy on a quest to find his father and help his mother. Together they fight the church's attempts of evil and find Will's father. They also bring balance back to all worlds, by falling in love. They bring an object known by many names-Dark Matter, Shadows, Dust-back to all worlds, and discover many secrets of the many worlds.

Pullman is the author of many other books including, I Was A Rat.

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