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Fanfic - As Long As I Live

Disclaimer: I don't own HDM or any of the characters in this story (with the exception of Daichi), because if I did this would be a book you're reading now. (: Ciao, -Lily

As Long As I Live

Chapter I: Strange Beginnings

Will sighed, shaving the stubble from his cheeks and washing white cream off with a dark green washcloth. He studied the dark circles under his eyes, the result of his late nights at the Oxford Library, trying to find that one morsel of information that had escaped his grasp for so long. A sound from the adjoining bedroom wakened him from his contemplative state. A soft, silky voice called out over the sound of the morning, "Up already, Will-chan?"

At the name 'Will-chan' he visible flinched, but shook it off and responded, "Yes, Kasumi, I've been up for a while." "Having trouble sleeping again?" she asked quizzically, a worried tone creeping slowly into her voice. < I haven't ever really been able to sleep since... I worry that I might dream of her... and let all my emotions come flying out...> "Yeah, but it's probably all the stress from work. Nothing to worry about.

The mint-fresh smell of his shaving cream lingered in the air as he pulled on a crisp white shirt, black suit pants, and a red striped tie. Izumino Kasumi, his wife of four years, lay in bed, lean body still covered by the floral blankets that protected her from the ice-cold air. He sighed once more, knowing that one in this world could never do better than Kasumi.

He kissed her roughly on the cheek, and headed downstairs. Mary sat at the kitchen table, a piece of toast in one hand, a crinkled newspaper in the other. Will sat down in the seat across from her, and picked up another piece of toast from the plate in front of him. Mary glanced clandestinely at the stairwell, then, bending over the table, whispered, "So, have you found it yet?" He jerked his head up, eyes wide in horror. "Wha.. What?" he stammered nervously, twisting his linen napkin with an aggravated fervor. "Her daemon, of course!" Will dropped the napkin in relief, and responded shakily. "Oh, uh..yes. It's a rabbit." he lied desperately. "A rabbit? Oh, how cute!" Mary said, an almost child-like sense overtaking her. "Even after all these years, I still have trouble seeing other people's daemons," she admitted, sorrow in her voice. "But, at least I have my Daichi," she said, and looked over towards the window at something Will couldn't see.

He swallowed the last bit of his toast, and stood up, wiping off the crumbs that marked his suit. "I'm off to work, Mary. Give Kasumi my love, and remember. Tomorrow's Midsummer's Day." "Alright, Will. See you tonight," she responded, head now buried in the personals section. Will thrust open the front door of his late mothers house, and was encased by the scent of the wheel tree, the mulefa's gift to Mary before their departure. He trotted down the steps, and headed towards the bus stop.

He was on a mission.

He had to find his Lyra and his Kirjava again.

No matter the cost.

Chapter Two --->

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