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Fanfic - Marina
by perfectangel

chapter 1

I lay on my back on the damp grass, staring up into the endless string of stars above me. Their milky silvery light shining and making the whole world look as if it were made out of tinsel. A streak of the light shot across the sky. I heard someone coming outside from the house disturbing my reverie.

“Marina!” Sydney called from the porch. Her slim form silhouetted by the yellow light pouring from the door, seeming alien compared to the starlight I had been looking at. “Where are you?”

“Over here Syd,” I said standing up and brushing loose the dewy blades of grass from my hair.

“What are you doing out there?” my twin sister asked. Her face identical to mine peered through the dark to try and see me.

“Looking at the stars,” I said.

“Again?” she said with a snicker. “You are always looking at the sky, why did I even ask?” she said rolling her eyes.

“So did you just come out here to torture me or do you have a purpose?” I asked.

“Oh yeah, mom sent me out to get you for dinner.”

“Ok, I’m coming,” I said stealing one more glance at the sparkling stars. I walk over to the door through the tall grass. It brushed my knees as I pushed it to the side leaving a trail to where I had been lying. I stepped into the warmth of the house and closed the door behind me. I watched Sydney walk down the hall in front of me to the kitchen.

“Hi honey,” my mom said setting a bowl of salad on the table as I walked in. The vibrant green and the red of the tomatoes clashed to form a cheery splash of color to the drab kitchen. The wallpaper was old as was the table, which was set on a worn rug. I sat down next to her and Syd sat across from me, the last seat of the table was empty, as it had been since last year when dad died. It was hard for We all folded our arms as the prayer over the food was said and then we dished out the food. “So girls, how was your day?”

“Good,” Sydney said then paused. “Eric sprayed milk out his nose! It was so funny,” she said as she giggled. My sister acts a lot younger than fourteen, or maybe I just act like I’m much older. We may look alike but we are completely different.

Chapter 2 of Marina

*a/n Will comes into this chapter! *All rejoice* YAY!!!!!!! Ok, um, so enjoy! Don’t forget to review after you read cause if you don’t, the author gets depressed. *Sticks out her lower lip* We wouldn’t want *that* would we? : )

I stood up, picked up my plate and cup, and set them on the counter, saying goodnight to my mom and Sydney as I walked to the hall. I walked slowly up the stairs at the end of the hall passing the pictures of dad on the wall by the stairs. I put my head down and kept walking, memories shoving into my mind from when he died. Once in my room, I grabbed the phone and dialed Will’s number. Will was my best friend, only problem is that he seems like he is hiding something. I was determined to find out what. He was just closed up so tightly though! I sat down on my bed and leaned my head back on the pillows as it rang.


“Hi Ms. Malone, is Will there?”

“Yes, hold on a minute Marina. And please just call me Mary, Ms. Malone makes me feel old.” I laughed. Ms. Malone, old? No possible way.

“Hey Marina,” Will greeted me happily.

“Hi Will,” I said. “So, since tomorrow is Saturday do you want to do something?”

“Sure, do you want to come over?”

“If that’s ok with Ms. Malo- …Mary.”

“Ok, hold on let me ask,” he said. I heard some voices faintly and then Will’s voice saying, “She says it’s fine.”

“Ok, I’ll see you then,” I said.

“All right, good night Marina,” he said.

“’Night Will,” I said in farewell. I heard a click on the line then I hung up too. I put the phone down on its cradle and went to my dresser. I pulled out my pajamas and slipped them on, the warm flannel rubbing against my skin. I slipped under the covers and fell asleep right away.

I stood on the porch and rang the bell. There was some movement inside and the door swung open. Will stood in front of me with his cat curled up on his arm purring softly. He smiled although I could tell he was upset about something. “Hey, come on inside,” he said.

“Ok,” I said walking into the entryway. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

He looked at me shaking his head and really smiling this time, “You can always tell can’t you?”

“Yep,” I said brightly. “So what’s going on?” I pressed.

“Oh, just remembering someone who I will never see ever again,” he said then stopped looking even more upset.

“I know how that is,” I said thinking of my dad.

“You do?”

“Yeah, my dad.”

“Oh, yeah sorry,” he said.

“It’s ok, I miss him. Who is it that you miss?”

“My dad, and someone else.”

“Who else?”

“I don’t want to talk about it ok?” he said angrily. Seeing my hurt face he added, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to get mad. It’s just hard.” I had found out a little, he had lost his dad and someone else also, but who? I wouldn’t push right now, not the right time. We spent the whole day together hanging out at his house.

That night, I asked, “Will? Do you want to come with me and watch the stars? I know it sounds weird. My dad and me used to all the time though. It’s good to do when you need to think about something.”

“Ok,” he said a little unwillingly. We walked to my house, and lay down in the grass like I had the night before. “Wow,” he whispered. “There are so many.”

“Yeah,” I replied. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Off to the left I heard something, then the grass in that area moved. I tapped Will on the arm and pointed. “There’s something over there.”

“It’s probably just Kirjava,” he said nonchalantly.

“What? Your pet cat?”

“She’s not a pet, she’s a daemon!”

“A what?!” I asked confused.

“Oh, um…” he stuttered.

*a/n BWAH HA HA! Cliffhanger! Review, and I’ll be nice and continue

chapter 3

So, if y equals five then x equals what?” Mr. Smith, the most feared teacher at Valley jr. High, my math teacher, asked in his nasal tone. I lost track of what was going on then because I noticed Will over in the corner writing something on a piece of notebook paper. I thought of what I had heard last weekend about daemons, witches, bears, knives, alethiometers, and a girl named Lyra. Remembering what he had told me that night, I sat dazed. None of it seemed possible, but it had to be true. Will would never lie about that. Besides, I thought, recalling his expression as he spoken. It was so full of passion, longing, and fierceness. I still hadn’t talked to him since he told me about it.

He finished whatever he was writing and handed it to the boy sitting next to him. I heard him whisper, “Pass this to Marina.” The boy, Paul, looked shocked. Will, shy quiet Will, was passing loud outgoing Marina a note? He shook his head looking confused and passed the note along. After a few weird looks and three hands later, it arrived at my desk. I pulled it down below my desk and unfolded it quietly. I read it quickly:


Meet me at your locker after school to talk.


I looked up to see he was watching me; I nodded and turned to look at the board. “Marina,” Mr. Smith said through his nose. “In this equation, what does x equal?”

“Um,” I said looking around frantically. Will mouthed, ten, to me. Looking up at Mr. Smith I said, “Ten?” My voice was calm and even.

“Correct,” Mr. Smith said. “Oh, and by the way, nice save.” I blushed crimson looking at my hands where the note was. At least he hadn’t noticed that. “Wait a minute, note please,” he said his hand outstretched. Reluctantly I handed it to him. “Hmmm, meet me at your locker after school to talk, Will.” This time both Will and I blushed. “About what may I ask to talk about? Hmm?”

“Uh, um, not sure, I just got the note. I didn’t send it,” I said. Oops. I cringed. Sorry Will. I mouthed.

“So, what was so important William?”

“Excuse me sir, but I do not think that is your business.” Mr. Smith’s mouth dropped to the floor. No one had ever spoken to him that way, ever. Not quite sure what to do he turned around and began teaching again. I must have looked pretty shocked, along with the rest of the class and Mr. Smith.

Will met my eyes; his face was turning red from trying not to laugh at the look on my face. He smiled slightly then looked up at the board. I asked to use the restroom where I began laughing insanely. My giggles reverberated off the walls causing it to sound as if two of me were laughing madly. I soon returned to class and finished out the rest of the day. That afternoon at my locker I met Will as planned.

“So,” I said grinning. “Where has the sudden courage to stand up to Mr. Smith come from eh?”

“Left over from my little adventure. Which is what I want to talk to you about,” he said his face becoming serious.

“Yeah, I figured that was it,” I said shifting my messenger bag’s strap. My shoulder was sore where it had been rubbing. “But what do you need to say about it is the question.”

“Well, I was wondering if well, if you believed me,” he said sheepishly looking at his feet.

“Oh course I believe you! I have no reason not to… Besides, I know you wouldn’t lie to your best friend now would you?” I said laughing.

“That’s true, but who ever said you were my best friend?” he tried to say this seriously but couldn’t pull it off. He ended up laughing along with me.

“Well, since you believe me, there’s something I want to show you,” he said motioning me to follow. I trailed behind him the whole way to his flat begging him to tell me what he was going to show me.

“Please!? Please, please, please? What is it? Come on, tell me!” He just shook his head. I decided to try a different approach, “Is it bigger than a breadbox? Smaller? Hello? Well, what is it!” No matter how much I begged, he wouldn’t say anything except an occasional, not telling you.

Finally, we arrived. Opening the door he dropped his backpack by the door calling to see if anyone was home. No one answered so he just led me upstairs to his room and pulled out a small box. Inside was something wrapped in velvet. “Ok Marina, you know that knife?”

“Oh my freaking gosh! Is that it! Holy cow!” I said amazed. I bent down to get a closer look. The metal shards glittered and shone. Even ruined and broken, the knife was mesmerizing. “It’s beautiful,” I whisper.

“Yeah,” he said sadly. “This knife was both good and bad in my life. It was good because it allowed me to meet Lyra. It was the thing that made that window in Catigazze. It is a horrible thing because it took her away. The dust… leaking… I’m never going to see Lyra again,” he said crying but trying not to let me see.

“Oh Will,” I sad wrapping my arms around his shoulders. “I’m so sorry! I wish I could do something to help. I must be terrible. And everyone you told before most likely didn’t believe you. Having to just go on with your life without anyone to share this burden with. I promise, from now on I’ll be there if you need to talk to someone,” I said hurriedly. “I wish I’d known before. I could have been a better friend.” He stopped crying and looked at me.

“You know what?” he asked.


“Your shirt has tears all over it,” he said and began laughing.

“You are going to pay!” I said giggling.

“Uh oh!” he yelped backing up and putting the box away. I lunged at him tackling him to the ground. “Ah!” he said laughing as I tickled him. He squirmed, trying to get loose but he couldn’t because he was laughing so hard. After I figured he’d had enough, I flopped down on the floor next to him. “You’re evil ya know?” he said.

“Yep, I know!” I said sitting up.

“So, now that you’ve seen the knife, and me cry, and then laugh all in a matter of minutes, what do you want to do?”

“Well, I am kind of hungry,” I said. “I say we go get milk shakes and burgers.”

“You read my mind,” he said standing. After we were settled in a booth with our food, I group of kids from school walked over. Two of them were in our math class.

“Paul here tells us that while you were passing a note to my girl Marina…”

“Just because we went out once doesn’t mean I’m your girl!”

“Whatever,” he said waving his hand. “Anyways, I hear you were caught by Mr. Smith and you told him off. This true?”

“First of all, you owe Marina an apology, and second of all yes, I did,” he said.

“Sweet! That guy had it coming,” the guy, his name was James, said. “Oh yeah, and Marina, sorry.” The guys then turned around and left, shoving James for actually apologizing to me. There are a couple things we should get straight here. I was one of the more popular people at school and Will, wasn’t. Even though we were best friends, nobody knew. We hung out on weekends since our weekdays were always so busy. He was always helping Mary out with her research. I never knew how he helped and what it was about until last Saturday night. James and I had gone out once last week. No one at school knew the quiet side of me, the side of me that cried about my dad’s death and looked at the stars. Only my family did, and Will. Me and Will have never gone out and never will. We are friends and that is how it will stay. Will loves Lyra, not me. I love Will as a brother, and only as a brother.

Our number was called and we got up and got our food. We sat down again and while we munched our fries, we talked more about the whole thing.


After we finished eating, we went back over to Will’s to get my backpack that I had left there earlier. We walked into the house and went through the kitchen to the stairs and then up to his room. I picked up my bag and went over to the stairs telling Will thank you for standing up for me back at the fast food place. About half way down the stairs, we heard a door open downstairs. We heard Mary’s voice call out, “Will are you home?”

“Yes Mary, I’m right here,” Will replied walking into the kitchen. The strap of my bag decided to break right then, spilling papers out all over the stairs. I began to pick them up and shove them in my pack when Mary began speaking.

“Will, I know you don’t want to hear this, but your mother is missing from the hospital. They said that this afternoon when they went in to check on her, she was gone.”

“What? Where is she? I have to find her!” Will cried, forgetting I was still here. My mind began to spin furiously. His mother? I thought his mother was dead. I never knew for sure because I didn’t think it was any of my business. But she was alive and was in a hospital and had gone missing! I quickly shoved the rest of my papers in my backpack and lifted it to my shoulder. I walked forward slowly and heard Mary say:

“I think it might have something to do with your father. She never really let the fact that he died in another world sink in. She refused to believe it. I know I wouldn’t have in her position.” Just as she said this I walked around the corner. “Marina! What are you doing here?”

“Uh oh. When you told me about mom, she completely slipped my mind,” Will said.

“What did you hear?” Mary asked suspiciously.

“She already knows about last year,” Will said. (a/n was it last year? I don’t remember.) I accidentally said something and I ended up telling all of it to her. “Please don’t be mad! I know, I know, I we agreed not to tell, but she says she believes me. Besides, she is my best friend,” Will explained.

“Please don’t get mad at him Mary! It’s not his fault. It was an accident. I promise I won’t tell anyone!” I looked down at the floor. “I better go,” I said running out of the house.


I ran all the way home not looking back. I remember people calling after me as I left Will’s. I never stopped. I went in to my room and threw my backpack in the corner. I began to cry. I was crying not because I was afraid or upset, I just needed to. I was crying for Will and Lyra, my mom, Will’s mom, my dad, my sister and I. I just had to let it all out. My mom knocked on the door but left after I didn’t answer.

I didn’t come out for dinner because I’d eaten with Will. That night, I sat by my window in my nightgown. I saw the sky darken and turn a deep blue. So dark it looked black. Just like in a documentary I’d seen about the bottom of the ocean. I had wished I could go there. It would be so peaceful there.


I walked down the street, it was dark and I was just getting home from my friend Chrissie’s house. I passed a dark alley way and started to shake. Chrissie’s mom had offered a ride home but I told her I’d just walk. “Stupid!” I said under my breath

“I am?” said a voice from behind. I shrieked and spun around. I backed into the circle of light that a nearby street light cast.

“Who’s there?” I said shakily.

“It’s me, Will,” said the voice. “I didn’t know any other way to talk to you. You won’t answer my calls, you won’t talk to me at school, and I doubt that you would talk to me if I came to your house. Not to mention your sister and mom would want to know everything and eavesdrop.”

“Your probably right. I don’t know why I’m ignoring you. I just…” I said trailing off.

“It’s ok,” he said finally. I know what you mean, you felt uncomfortable talking to me. You most likely didn’t know what to say… what I’m trying to say is I understand.”

“Your absolutely right. I guess I didn’t know what to do,” I said quietly. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok. I missed you. Life is hard without a best friend,” he said with a wry smile. I smiled a small smile back.

“I don’t want to upset you, but have you heard any news about your mother?” I asked.

“No, but, I am planning on doing something about her. I am going to find her,” he said. “I know it sounds stupid but if I can find my father in the world of the dead, I can find my mom in this world. But wait, what if she found a widow they hadn’t closed yet…” he said trailing off. My eyes grew twice as large.

“No, if that happened, there’s no telling where she is, or what she is doing!”

“This is going to be hard finding her. Are you sure you’re up to it?”

“Yeah, I’m the only help you have, except for Mary.”

“The thing is, I don’t know if we can do it. Last time, I had the alethiometer, knife, angels, bears, witches, and… Lyra. Not to mention Mary is in London for some conference.”

“Oh, I hadn’t thought of that.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out somehow,” he said.

‘Yeah, somehow,’ I thought. Then I said out loud, “Um, don’t you think we should get home. It’s getting late, and my mom thought I was going to be home by 7 o’clock, and it’s,” I looked at my watch. “Nine thirty! She’s probably sent out a search party by now,” I said rolling my eyes.

“Let’s go then, I’ll walk you home.”

“Um, Will, Mary’s gone right?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Well, no one is at your house then.”

“True, but what has that got to do with anything?”

“I don’t want you to be all alone!”

“I do all the time. I mean, when my mom was, well I mean, before everything, I was practically alone. My mom was there, but wasn’t there, you know?”

“Yeah, but you don’t deserve to be alone! How long is Mary going to be gone?”

“Until next week,” said Will quietly.

“That’s it, you are coming to my house and bunking in the guest room,” I said firmly, my face set decisively.

He laughed and said, “Ok, ok, I’m coming home with you. You don’t think your mom will mind do you?”

“No way, as long as you stay downstairs in the guest room. She has this idea in her head that we like each more than friends,” I said. We both cracked up. The idea was enough to make as laugh.

“Yeah, well, the one she should be worried about is your sister! I swear, she is in love with me or something!” I giggled.

“She has a crush on you big time, it scary!” We both laughed as we walked up my porch steps and realized we’d gotten to my house. The door flew open and there stood my mom, she had that mad look where you knew she was really worried but also really mad.

chapter 6

“Marina, where have you been!?” my mom practically yelled as she ran forward hugging me. “I was so worried!”

“I’m sorry mom, I was on my way home when I saw Will,” I said. My mom finally noticed he was there.

“Oh, Will, hello!” my mom said. “Come in you two.” I let out I sigh of relief; she had forgotten to be mad since she was too busy being polite with company. “Marina, we’ll talk about your curfew later,” she said. I hung my head and followed.

“Mom, Mary isn’t going to be at home for a whole week and I didn’t want Will to be alone… I invited him to stay with us until she gets back. Is that ok?”

“Yes, that’s fine,” she said. “You can borrow one of our big night shirts.” A look of panic flashed across his face. “Don’t worry, we have a plain white one. No pinks or frills will get near you.” You could see him relax at that as we walked to the closet and pulled it out. We got blankets and pillows for the guest room and made the bed for him. “We will go pick up some of your things tomorrow. It is too late right now. ‘Night Will,” she said as she left the room.

“Will,” I said as soon as she was out of earshot. “Where is Kirjava?”

“Oh, she’s outside. She likes to wander at night. Don’t worry, she never goes too far,” he added when he saw my worried face.

“Ok, does she know where you are though?”

He gave me a bemused look and said, “Hello? She is a part of me! Don’t you think she knows where I am? I mean, my foot knows where I am, my arm knows where I am, why shouldn’t she?”

“Oh yeah,” I said. “Good point.” Just then Sydney walked in.

“Hi Will,” she said coyly. She perched on the edge of the bed and looked at Will. “So,” she said in a singsong voice that seemed to soar and glide. “I heard that you’re staying for a whole week!”

“Yeah, I am,” he replied uncomfortably shifting from one foot to the other. “You know, I’m kinda tired and I think I’m going to turn in.”

“Oh, alright then. Good night William,” Sydney said standing up and flouncing out of the room.

After she was gone, Will said, “She just called me ‘William’! Only the grumpy old teachers call me that.”

I laughed and told him I’d better go before my mom started to think something. “See you in the morning ‘William’,” I said in a high voice. We both dissolved into giggles as I staggered out of the room because I was laughing so hard.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

“Will, wake up,” my mom called from the door. Will’s eyes slowly pried themselves open as he sat up. “Morning darling, did the sand man give you too much of his sand?” she said laughing.

“Good morning,” Will said breathing deeply. “What time is it?” he asked.

“Seven thirty, you better hurry up or else you will be late for school. You’ll be walking

with Marina.”

“Ok, I’m coming,” he said walking to the door and going to the kitchen.

“Hey Will!” Sydney said. “Did you have any dreams about a certain person, er, um, or anything?” she asked.

“No,” he said shaking his head irritated.

“Morning Will,” I said taking a bite of my toast.

“Good morning Marina!” he said relieved to see me.

“Hurry up, we need to leave,” I said standing up. Will grabbed a pop-tart on his way out of the kitchen.

“Um, is Sydney walking with us?” Will asked looking kind of pale.

“No, she goes in a carpool even though we live so close to the school. My mom usually makes me go too so I won’t walks alone. I hate it, all those giggling friends of my sister.” I paused. “It’s amazing how different me and her are.”

“Yeah, I know,” Will said. “I’m glad too. I don’t really like that type. I like people like you. They remind me of Lyra.” I blushed.

“I could never come close to Lyra,” I said. “She sounds so wonderful.”

“She is,” he said dreamily. We had reached the steps of the school and the bell rang.

“See you in math Will,” I said laughing.

“Yeah, see you later,” he said waving.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

a/n so, how was that chapter? Good? Sucky? Review and tell me. If I made any spelling or grammar mistakes just tell me. I noticed in my last chapter about 5 that my computer didn’t pick up on when I reread it. Just let me know so that I can fix it. If you have any ideas of what you might like to happen, just tell me in a review or e-mail me at (yes, that is my actual e-mail) I might use your idea if I like it. Also tell me if you like the direction this is going. I know that nothing that exciting has happened but I’m building up to that. This is going to be a long story, a very long story. As in 20+ chapter story… I hope. Anyways, review!


After school, we went back to my house and did our homework. After we finished we went out to the porch. Will sat on the top step and I sat on the next step down with my knees drawn up to my chin.

“Marina, I’m leaving in a couple days,” Will said out of the blue. “To find my mom.”

“Your leaving?” my voice came out like a squeak.

“I have got to find my mom. She’s out there somewhere and I have to go to her.” We sat in silence for a moment not knowing what to say. Finally, I said something without event meaning to.

“Will, I coming with you.”

“No, Marina, you can’t! You can’t just leave, what about your mom, your sister, and everything. You can’t!”

“I can and I will,” I said firmly. “You’re going to need another person out there. You can’t do this alone.”

He hung his head and took a deep breath. “Marina, I can’t let you go. It could be dangerous and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“And I can’t let my best friend go out there alone! I’m coming with you ok? I’m coming.”

“Marina, you are one of the most stubborn people I’ve ever met,” he said running his fingers through his hair and shaking his head. “Since there is no way I’m going to get you to stay, I have no choice but to have you come along.”

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Over the next few days, we packed things and stored them at Mary’s flat so my mom or sister wouldn’t find them. We bought a map, compass, and flashlight and stuck them in with our things. We each brought two changes of clothes and food, just small stuff like beef jerky and things. We also emptied our saving accounts and brought along our money. We were ready to go and were just waiting for the right time.

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“Marina,” came a soft whisper. “Marina!” the voice said a little louder. “Wake up, we’re leaving. Let’s go!’ I woke up and saw Will kneeling by my bed. “Come on.”

“I’m coming I said. I pulled off the blankets revealing me fully dressed. I stood up, shoved my feet into my shoes and followed Will to Mary’s flat. We gathered our things and slipped out the front door only to have a light in our eyes.

“I’m coming with you,” Sydney said switching off the light. She had a backpack slung over her shoulders and she was dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. “I heard you two talking on the porch and have been spying on you,” she confessed. “If you don’t take me with you, I’m telling mom that you are running away.”

“We’re not running away,” I said.

“Yeah, you’re finding Will’s mom I know. I’m coming with you to help.”

“Listen Sydney,” Will said. “This isn’t going to be some little field trip. This is going to be hard and dangerous. You’re not coming.”

“The you’re not going. I’ll tell my mom and then you will both be at home. You won’t be going anywhere.”

I turned to Will and he said, “If you have everything that you’re going to need, then you can come.” I smiled slyly. She most likely packed a bunch of clothes and that was all.

“Fine,” she said angrily dumping out her back. Four shirts, two pants, fruit snacks, poptarts, and her wallet fell out. She opened the bulging wallet and pulled out a huge wad of cash. “Five hundred,” she stated. Will’s mouth fell open and my eyes widened. “I’ve been saving up.”

“She never spends her money and always saves it. But I never knew she had this much!” I said in shock.

“So, am I coming or not?” she demanded. Will just nodded and mumbled something to the extent of, ‘wow that’s a lot’.

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