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My Home Page

Hi I'm Vulpes! Welcome to my homepage. Oh..Uh...Hi the name's Hotshot and I'm the hottest thing to ever fly a space jet! Oh shut up Hotshot! On this site I will have stories, pics, art, poems, and much more. Yea if she can ever tear herself away from me long enough to update it. uhhh *rolls her eyes* Well just folow the links below to see the rest of the site. Go on check it out and let me know what you think. Oh and don't forget to sign the guest book (anoying computer voice) "Warning RedWing headed this way! Collision in T - 10 minutes Thank you and have a nice day!" ;D

My SubPages


My Stories-working on it

RPGs-working on it

My Werepage-This is for real!!!

My Lab

My RP Chars

My DS ss

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