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~Ta Sardar...Gor~

In the northern hemisphere of Gor..surrounded by its breathtaking Mountains on the south side of the City of Thentis and the City of Ko-ro-ba at the Northwest, "UoS" makes his Homestone... Thentis, a City well known by the breeding and training of the Majestic Tarn and home of the best blackwine in all Gor.

All who come in peace are welcome and will be received by the Ubar, Halburt of Thentis and treated with respect and honor. Sit by the fire..feast on our delicious food and finest drinks, be served with respect by our skilled kajirae.

As you enter this Inn, you will step into the world of Gor...a world unknown and misanderstood by most, often cruel and unfair, some will run away, some will be captivated by it and few will call it home. Gor is about the exhaltation of gender, a mixture of barbaric and civilized, of human domination by the alien Priest-Kings. Gorean Men follow a strict rule of conduct, men that allow free rein to fierce emotions. Gor is about being who and what you is a world in which those with honor will prosper..and those without it, will die....Gor is Gor.

Ubar of the Inn - Halburt of Thentis


1st girl - chanda_HT-UoS


2nd girl - karyssa_UoS


Inn hours are from 9pm to 11pm Eastern (Doors may be opened earlier and/or close later than estipulated fixed hours)


Fellow Goreans
This introduction is to inform our visitors that in this Homestone we enjoy good entertaining conversations in a relaxed atmosphere, we embraced Gor as a lifestyle following its philosophy to the best of our abilities and not as an online game. We do not patronize the way you see and live Gor, but If you tend to amuse yourself playing games such as "Forced Kolaring", "Fight challenges", "Killing". "Captures/Abductions", "Raids", "Fires"....etc etc..just move on and go to rooms where they accept such behaviour, we will not accept nor recognize such actions. Ubar of the Skies Inn is my Home..I am the Ubar..and these are my rules, if you accept them, you are welcome to visit, otherwise move on....


    #1 -If you are new to Gor...Do not do or say something you are not sure about until you know it is allowed. Ignorance of the rules will be not an excuse, read them or ask the Owner before you act.

    #2 - Guests bearing tittles...such as "Ubar","Ubara","Lord","Sir","Lady" etc.etc. will not be recognized within our homestone. Free person entering our Inn, will be adressed accordingly as "Master", "Jarl" and/or "Mistress" as is the Gorean tradition.

    #3 -This Inn is a NK, NFK and NC zone and it will be strictly enforced.

    #4 - Kajirae ko~lared to the Inn or under Inn's protection are to be treated with fairness, no abuse will be tolerated (verbal or physical). No one is to punish Inn's kajirae but the Ubar.(except Sword's personal slaves).

    #5 -Slaves of the Inn (unless she/he asks for an exception to the owner or key-holder) may not touch or be touched, may not sweeten drinks, may not give sexual favours or sit on anyone's lap, Gorean or non Gorean.

    #6 -If any Inn's ko~lared slave acts with unapropriate behaviour, save the scroll and mail it to the Owner of the Inn, she will be dealt with accordingly. NO ONE is allowed to punish Inn's kajirae but the Ubar.

    #7 -PM's (whispers) are not allowed, unless by permission of the Ubar. This will be strictly enforced.

    #8 -Ubar's permission is needed if a kajira ko~lared to the Inn wishes to "court" after Inn hours (Permission will be granted almost inmediately, some exceptions may apply).

    #9 - Slaves ko~lared to the Inn, fall under Inn's rules, they are Ubar's property. Masters of the Inn are NOT to court or ask sexual favours to them without Ubar's permission, failure to do so will be considered an offence and will be dealt accordingly.(Permission will be granted almost automaticaly, some exceptions may apply)

    #10 - Personal slaves of the Inn are to obey their Masters, any command issued to a slave by her Master takes precedence over any other instruction given to her.

    #11 - Newcomers wishing to learn about Gor , or asking questions about our lifestyle and show genuine interest, are to be asnwered accordingly and be helped to the best of our abilities, they could be future family members that will help on the growth of our Inn and our Gorean comunity..just remember..we all have to start tolerant.

    #12 - Begging entrance or begging leave requested by any kajirae, are to be answered by the Ubar, if the Ubar is busy , are to be answered by the first sword, Masters are expected to respect the chain of command.

    #13 - Ubar of the Inn has the last word and the last decision on any matter related to the Inn or its members.

    #14 - When Inn is open for business, all of the family members that are online are expected to support their own homestone.

