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Unexpected People-chp 3

“They sure do like to talk, don’t they.” The voice was at her ear, pulling Hayley out of her train of thoughts. She abruptly turned towards it, and found AJ standing at her elbow. He was looking at her intently, watching her eyes.

Hayley found herself looking away from his gaze, and towards the parking lot of the restaurant where her mother and Denise stood chatting away. “Yeah, that would be my mom. Little Miss Chatterbox.” She adjusted the light sweater that hung loosely over her shoulders. “ weren’t waiting for me, were you?” She asked hesitantly.

They had finished dinner and headed out towards their cars. Hayley had made a quick pit stop at the restroom, while Collette and Denise continued on outside. Hayley had come out of the restroom and had to wait for a large family with about six children, half of which were crying and fighting, to pass by before she could get outside. While waiting she had let her mind wander to Jesse and what had happened earlier that night.

AJ shook his head and opened the door. “No, actually I got spotted and had to sign a few autographs.” He motioned for Hayley to go on through.

She smiled and breezed past him into the entrance way of the restaurant. “Autographs.” She said nodding, she turned and waited for him to join her.

AJ looked at her and cocked his head to the side, a lopsided smile appearing on his lips. “Yeah, autographs.” Then he moved beside her and opened the door that led outside. “That kind of thing happens when you become famous.”

Hayley stepped into the cool Orlando night air, and took a breath. “Wow, for once you can see the stars.” She looked up at the sky that just glittered from the many stars that streaked across it.

AJ moved alongside her again and stuffed his hands deep into his pockets, then he joined her in looking up and into the night sky. “Yeah, aren’t they beautiful?” He commented. “Of course,” he turned his head and looked at her. “They’re not as beautiful as you.”

Hayley swung her head and quickly looked at him. “Th...thank you.” She responded unsurely, as a slight blush crept across her cheeks.

AJ smiled at her and took a step off the curb and down onto the black asphalt of the parking lot. “Hey listen.....” He spoke up at the same time she did.

“I’m really sorry...”

They both paused and looked at each other.

“Go ahead.”

“No you go.” They said again at the same time.

A short pause followed, waiting to see who would go first. Finally Hayley spoke up.

“I’m really sorry for what happened tonight at dinner.” She apologized, as the two started walking again. They slowly strolled across the parking lot.

AJ looked at her. “What are you apologizing for? You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“No, for Jesse, and his behavior.” Hayley explained.

“You don’t have to apologize for that. Did you make him act that way?” AJ dismissed what she was saying.

Hayley shook her head. “No, but still...somebody needs to. It was inappropriate.”

“Then let him come tell me that himself.” AJ told her, as she came to a stop at a silver Eclipse. He halted, standing in front of her. “This your car?”

“Yeah, I just got it.” She turned and looked her brand new baby over.

“Fully loaded?”

Hayley nodded. “Yup, and lot’s of hard earned money.”

AJ chuckled, “I bet.” He turned and faced her again. “Listen, what I was gonna say, was that there was a new put-put golf course that just opened a few days back, and I was wondering if....” he paused and looked quickly around the parking lot, then back at Hayley. “If you wanted to go and try it out maybe on Saturday.”

Hayley just looked at him, then down at her hands, back at him, and finally back to her hands. Had she heard him correctly? He was asking her to go and play miniature golf with him. Finally she brought her eyes up and met his gaze. “What if I suck at put-put?”

AJ pulled his hands out of his pockets. “Then I’ll teach you. Come on,” he brought his hand out and lightly touched her arm. “It’ll be fun. And besides, what else do you have to do?”

“My mom is in town....” Hayley started to say.

“Our mom’s made plans that day to go to the art museum.” AJ told her stressing ‘our mom’s‘. He cocked an eyebrow, “Got any more excuses?”

Hayley let out a small laugh, “Excuses? That’s what you though that was?”

AJ smiled a goofy grin and nodded.

Another small laugh escaped from Hayley’s lips. “That was not an excuse.”

“Then you’ll go with.” AJ stated.

Hayley opened her mouth, but she wasn’t quite sure of what to say. Instead she just looked at him, then she nodded. “Alright then, sure I’ll go.” She stuck a finger out and pointed at him. “But I’m warning you now, I suck at put-put.” The minute the words left her mouth she had no idea why she said them. They had just kind of seemed to pour out without her consent. It’s not that she didn’t want to go, it’s just that she wasn’t sure if it was the smartest idea. And why? Well that she couldn’t explain.

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