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The Silver Tome
Home | History of Acheron | What is The Silver Tome? | Important Characters |

Updates >> 01/09/03 Yes! I have history stuff up! Heh . . . the first, oh, third of the First Age is now up. Enjoy. ^_^

Okay, this is a site I put up to show the world a series of legends and myths and stuff that I thought up. I've been working on and off on it for about a year now, and I'm amazed that I've stayed interested this long. So I decided to fill the net with even more useless stuff.

*sigh. . .* Sorry about the popups, Angelfire = pure evil. If anyone knows of a better host, feel free to let me in on it. :\

Questions? E-mail me.

You are bewildered visitor number

I realize this is pretty irrelevant, but after I took the quiz, I got Lancer! Woo-hoo! My favorite class!


a master of the spear and lance.

quiet; loyal; dedicated
[Final Fantasy Tactics Job Class]