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Hey Ya'll!!!


visit mei's page!!!

visit helen's page!!!

Here is where a savvy HTML LIbrary user would place another link

A "hyper-link" could go here

Welcome 2 mai site guyz!!!!

<-- how kewl is dat pic?!!!! whoops!!! wonky arrow =P

well u guyz r probably going [groan!] but hey @ least the important people will appreciate it!!!! nah just kidding... they'll not only appreciate it, they'll luv it!!!! sorz that was lame, but can ya blame me? if u really noe me well, actually if u noe me @ all, u'll see that u can't, so don't bother!!!!

hmmmm, i'm really bored rite now and the only reason i'm really doing this, is cos i have the tym but i promise i'll come back and add more later, but atm i just want ppl 2 noe that this site exists.. i'm not quite sure why but yeah... =P

k, fine, ya sprung me... basically i just wanted 2 put sumthing on the net, can't really remember why but, yeh... hey dun blame me, u should noe i have a bad memory!!!! anyways, i'm really stuck 4 ideas of wot 2 put on here so buzz me.. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that sounded really desperate huh?

seriously, give me ideas!!!! hopefully, [if i get good ideas that is] i'll b able 2 update real soon... keep checking in tho, 4 my sake more that urs cos then the counter goes higher... hehe =P well, i'll b seeing ya, soon, and no i did not mean that in a stalker kinda way!!!! [shame on u - every1 hoo thought that!!!!] then agen that proves u noe me well... hehe

anyways, check out the linx!!!!i should probably be putting in the other pages 2 mai site first on the list, as opposed 2 giving u quick ways 2 get out, but hey... c u l8er [this tym i'm really going] luv always [agen, no stalker meaning intended] shilps

p.s. sorry, i didn't really ask helen or mei if i could add them, o well, i'm sure they'll enjoy the exposure =P hehe

p.p.s. i repeat how kewl is that pic?!!!! hehe mai fave colour and mai fave group!!!! mad, huh? =P