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Basic Rules

No OOC Out of character (OOC) chatting is not allowed in #Calenan or any of the other channels associated with #calenan. For all Calenan OOC please come to #calenan*ooc. This is not just an ops only channel and you are more than welcome to join us!

No Godmoding You are not the most powerfull mage in existance and you cannot destroy all Calenan with a thought. Please be moderately realistic. If you should encounter a fight then do not assign damage.

Bad: *Morgar aims a mighty blow at Tim and severs his head cleanly from his body
Tim is now left with no chance to defend himself.

Good: *Morgar dodges Tim's blow and swipes at his now open neck
Tim now has a chance to block or allow a hit.

Which brings up another point. You are not invinsible. When in a fight please accept hits once in a while.

No scripts Please refrain from using any auto reply or greet scripts. They get very annoying, very fast.

Stick To Medieval No guns, lasers, aliens or modern/futuristic items/characters. There are other chat rooms for these.

General IRC Ettiquette No caps, flooding, msging without permission, advertising, harrasing others , or offensive nicks. These all warrant kicks and bans.

Character Stealing Please do not use character names from books, movies or other IRCers.

These rules are in place to create a better roleplaying experience. Please respect and abide by them.