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This is a role-play group based on Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series. It takes place in the ancient politically treacherous city of Al'cair'rahienallen, called Cairhien in the modern tongue. Where Daes Dae'mar, The Great Game, makes or breaks Kings and Commoners alike. Here players attempt to gain power and influence in the city, while trying to stay alive. This setting requires people who are quick-witted, inventive, and have plenty of guile.

Damaged nearly beyond repair in a great battle of Darkness and the One Power this venerable city rises from the ashes once more. Dark Secrets are now unearthed and abroad from the Old Times. Aiel walk the streets, keeping the Dragon's peace while thieves and assasins fight shadowy things in the sewers while trying to rebuild the shattered Guild of the Hand. Aes Sedai hold court in their own White Palace while the shattered ruins of the ominous Black Spire hides secrets, death, and a man who once burned with the fires of destruction. As always, as it has been since time out of mind, the Nobles plot and maneuver. The knife in the dark a more common solution than bared steel in the streets.

For info on how to join or play contact, if you already know how, enter The City and begin!