What others think of Miss Spears Red Hot chilipeppers got banned for that Subject1: Me Vs. Viannay G, Fresno,Ca Point:Britney has literate fans
Me: What do you think Of Britney Spears
Viannay: She's pretty and she seems like a reallt cool person

Subject2: Me & Catherine J.,15,Fresno, CA Point: She is opposed to Britney
Me: Okay, Catherine, How do you feel about Britney Spears?
Catherine:She [Britney Spears] is too slutty.She should not tell people that She is a Christian, for her own good! Also,She was only 17 when she came out, she's 19 now, and does she have an education?No.

Subject3: John V,Iowa Point: Not ALL guys like Britney
Me: How do you feel about Britney Spears?
John:I just plain hate her guts.
me: Why do you hate her guts?
John: Same reason everyone else does.
Me: And why is that?
John: She is a showoff.
Me: And how do you feel about her talent wise
John: So so...
Me: Can she sing?
John: No, She sounds kind of like a barking squirrel..

Subject4: Jenny, Vancouver, WA point: Britney has priorities.."Like OMG totally"
Jenny: She's supposed to be a role model, but she dresses like a slut and skips out on her prior engagements like autograph signings for her fans to be with justin..
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