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~ A Life ~

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Everyone has a dark corner where they hide their innermost secrets. Sometimes these secrets stay hidden and sometimes they're just discovered. This life has been experienced as if we were riding an evil carousel.

There are some discoveries that are wonderful and then there are discoveries, well, that a lot of people wish you would forget. Life wasn't meant to be simple. That is one thing I learned at a very early age. A child is born, innocent and at the hands of it's caretakers. Whether they be parents, relatives, etc. A child should be made to feel safe, and when they are not, chaos will be their path. Some may be caught in time before any permanent damage can be done. Others, well, let's just say, "Survival is utmost at the core of the mind"......


~Keep Me~

cloudy's dark corner
~pondering in the mist~ ~bad dream~
~nature's tears~ ~silent thoughts~
~someone's lost~ ~losing self~
~home in the maze~ ~the pawn~
~fear~ ~waiting to live~
~maze void~ ~enola~
~cutting~ ~cellar~
~We Know You! (but you don't)~ ~seeking~
~descending~ ~my Ocean~

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~Empty Hope~
~Life Thoughts~
~my Baby's Baby~
