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My First Son's, and Daughter in Law's, Family

My Second Son's, and Daughter in Law's, Family

My First Daughter. The first Granddaughters, Own Family

My First Daughter. The second Granddaughters, Own Family

Butterflies in our Garden, (and the Trees not there, now!)

Red Squirrel, in the garden - 23 august 2009

Where is it? Somebody's going on Holiday?

(It is actually the Borobudur temple, Java, Indonesia.)

Map of Kaltenkirchen 1:50 000
Map of Kaltenkirchen 1:500 000
4 September, 2003
The Web Pages of Family Bendall

What is a Web Ring?

"A web ring is a community of websites linked one to another to form a virtual ring. Each site links to the next, so that as visitors click to go from one site to another they will eventually return to the site from which they started. Generally, the sites are linked by a common theme or interest making surfing the web ring an ideal way of finding sites of interest to the web surfer.
Most web ring systems provide a listing or a directory of all the sites within a ring, which is known as the hub or list page. Such directories frequently include a description of each site, and a link to let the visitors quickly go to a particular site within the ring.

adapted from World of Webrings, at 'Description.'

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Powered by WebRing.

BENDALL only WebRing!

The only qualification is for the Owner, or Sponsor, to have BENDALL, including the surname BENDELL, as a surname!

BENDALL only Ring!




