Relationship Hell

So you want to know about my love life? Want to know about my lack of love life? Want to hear about how great my boyfriend is? Read on, lover boy.

sucky sucky $5

Currently, I have one boyfriend, his name is Rich. He is, I must say, one of the best boyfriends in the world, cause he gets me free porn, and hosts my website on his. And yes, I’m still gay. You see, I’m also his boyfriend. So that’s how that works.
Rich is a bit older than me, he’s currently 28 and I’ll be 20 in about a month. But it’s all cool, I have a 10 year age limit…either way. He lives and works in Connecticut, which is a long ways away from me, but I get to see him sometimes when he decides to come down here and shag me senseless.
He’s a teacher, a teacher for very special little boys. Very special little boys who want to learn dead languages. He’s a Greek teacher at an all-boys school for juvenile delinquents. I don’t know if it’s technically called that, but that’s what I call it.
He teaches really hard languages, which makes him extra special, and extra smart. Much smarter than me, which is ok, cause a lot of people are. He grew up in Vermont, which is extra cool, cause Vermont is awesome. And damned cold. I refuse to visit him in the winter.
Rich is kinky, which is awesome. And he really likes having a boyfriend, which is good, cause I’m into teh gay sex. I have a detachable penis. It’s purple. Its name is Prince.
Anyway, I’m also Rich’s pimp. Just so ya know.


Currently I am also pursuing further relations with any girl I can get my hands on. I need a girlfriend, I really do.
There’s this one girl, that I like, that doesn’t really like me back, which really sucks. She also really likes torturing me though, so you never know, it may all just be an act…which she derives sexual pleasure from. I’m gonna get her…eventually…hopefully.
It sucks that I develop so many crushes on straight women. I really need to stop that.
If you are a girl, who likes girls, who lives in Douglass or Manhattan (where I will be returning to in August), e-mail me. It’s ok if you already have a girlfriend, I’m actually looking for more than one. It would be so cool to have two girlfriends.
I need to go to the gay club in Wichita. Maybe this weekend. I should wear Prince.
Jennifer, a friend of mine here, likes girls, and occasionally comes over to draw me naked, wearing Prince, but we’re not dating. We did go out once, but we’re not dating.

well crap

I was tempted to list exes which you should avoid, but that would just be mean. And it would just be one. And really, it would take way too long to list all the reasons you should avoid her. Or at least avoid dating her. Which really doesn’t matter anyway, since she’s engaged to a guy, and said something about going to hell for dating women, and more than one guy at once. The guy I will name, cause you should really really avoid him. At all costs, because he likes to pick out the next one before he’s done with the current one, and the only reason he dates women is to live off of them for a year or so and have something to fuck on a regular basis. In the end, it ends in realizing you’ve been under mind control for a year, that everything he’s told you about him is a lie, and that he owes you hundreds of dollars that he’s never going to pay back. His specialty seems to be finding young, impressionable lesbians to convert. Which only lasts as long as their with him. His name’s Doug, by the way, or Zino, as he likes to call himself. Doug Rice. Avoid him like the plague. And I didn’t even date the guy, cause I was too stupid to see that he was trying to get me to date him, and that he never really wanted to be my friend. He wouldn’t have liked my boy side, we’re both tops.
Really, I could rant about this forever.