8/5/05 - I finally put up a new Mood of the Month song, after an extra month of doing nothingness.
I also found some awesome new comics, two of which are very close to my heart. And someone who does several very funny ones. Some of which are kinda stupid and others that are really depressing as well, yet still funny as hell.
And some friends of my bf started this blog called the Dyke Squad. Which pretty much speaks for itself. I don't pretend to know what's going on around here, but they're pretty good at letting me know.
I've also decided to jump out of a window. But first I must tramatize stuffed animals.
And to entertain you even more, I recommend Gankutsuou, Bleach, and Narutaru if you like anime. I'll give you the names of 3 more I really like next time I update. And perhaps write up little summeries and shit too.
Which reminds me, I've created two new pages linked up at the top here with all the other little colorful buttons. Relationships and Play. One is an attempt to get you addicted to the same shit I am, the other is even more information about me that you didn't want to know.

7/5/05 - Thus begins a new era of updating. Instead of just telling you what I've updated and making you go look for the changes, I'll link to them right here. Including links to links I've posted, and commentary to boot!
So the new mood of the month song has been up since the middle of last month *shrugs*. I've installed an A-kon page that links off the Japan page; and put up the rant about this year's trip.
Also, I like to kill orphans. And OMGOMGOMG RENT!!!

5/11/05 - The mood of the month song this month comes in the form of a video (not made by me). I need a job badly, but I refuse to go back to fast food.
I'm slowly updating little bits and pieces of pages that reference current events in my life. I need to go find some cool new crap to put on here, and I need some ideas. So to anyone who actually reads this: what would you like to see? What would you like to know about me?

3/2/05 - Updates at last!
New song of the month and updates to the Japan and SCA page to start with.
Then there's the cool buttons I picked up at a Christian booksale. They're on the nonsense page.
I'm sure I'll think of something else to do to this site soon.

11/2/04 - I've moved all my characters! I was running out of room, so I got another account, just for them. I'm calling it Multiple Persona Disorder.
New song for the month. And I made a new page for all past songs of the month. The button for it is taking the place of the characters button.

10/6/04 - A whole bunch of new pictures! Yep yep, I finally got the camera I've been using since last year developed, and about half came out. Gotta stop using the disposable ones.
Anyway, check out the pics page and click the links at the bottom of it to be taken to the anime and a-kon pic pages.
That is all.

9/29/04 - Good lord, what haven't I done to this thing is the past week?
First off: the "song of the month" is working again! And if you're wondering what this month's song means...I have a girlfriend! Yep yep!
Secondly: Three brand new pages for people! Check out Japan, SCA and use my buttons! K-State will be getting a make-over very soon.
Nearly every single page has gotten a make-over in the past couple weeks, so wander aimlessly.

8/25/04 - Well, as you can see, I have again reformated the front page. I just never seem to be happy with the way it looks.
I also went and got myself an insane journal account, because I was bored with the live journal one. (www.insanejournal.com/users/penguininchains)
And the song of the month is on temporary hiatus, because I can't seem to upload any songs to any of my many website accounts. So I suppose it'll be back whenever I find something that works.
Oh yeah, and it's my birthday. I'm 19. Whatever.

6/20/04 - Hey look, I'm not dead! Just a little comatose while getting through the end of that school year. But summer's here now (been here for about a month now, actually) and I'm finally getting around to updating some crap. New song, nevermind what girl I think about while listening to this. And a few new pages.
I went to my first anime convention this summer, A-kon 15. I'll have a page about that up real quick-like. If I go to my first SCA event you'll be hearin' about that too.
New dragons, so new stories comin' up. Got some new crap going on with my main trio, Sukie, Pog and Bazil. I really like writing random crap for them as well as progressing their stories with flights and hatching, it's practically turning into a WIP fanfic. So you might as well check them out every once-in-a-while.
Lots of random updates gonna happen in the next couple weeks. And I'll probably rant and ramble in my lj tomorrow.

2/14/04 - Well, in celebration of valentines day, there's a special new song up. I love you!
I've also added a new page for the various avatars(icons) I've been making. Have fun with that. And be sure to check the flash page every once-in-a-while, I'm constantly adding more to that.

12/1/03 - Ok, so the song of the week turned into song of the month, it's changed now, not that anyone's been coming by to view this thing. I believe I've had 2 hits this month, both from my mom. So why I keep it up is beyond me. Anyway, added a page for funny vids I found. Just thought I'd add something interesting. If I keep finding vids, I'll keep adding vids, so you'll actually have a reason to come back here...mom.

11/3/03 - Had a little too much fun with the webcam. There's now a whole page of pictures of me, Jen and Joshy. There's probably gonna be a whole lot of little updates for a while because I'm putting off writing an essay. Oh yes, and notice the new song of the week. A little late, but I didn't have my net last week.

11/3/03 - Not much of an update. Did some work on the bio. Put a pic on it, so if you want to see what I look like there ya go.

11/1/03 - My roommate got another virus on her comp, so I haven't had the net for a couple weeks, finally got it back yesterday. Got a lot to do now. I updated the quiz pages. I added a naughty quiz page, and put a little warning on if for kids. And I caught some more bishoujo, just for fun. Now off to...do something, don't know what yet.


10/8/03 - The tripod page I keep my buffy vids on is now considered an entirely different site called People In Chains. I have also set up another angelfire site called Silent Ramblings for my writings that have nothing to do with the dragon world. The reason I did this is because when I was thinking of names for this site, I came up with a whole list of excelent names and I was kinda dissapointed that I couldn't use them all, and now I can. Plus I'm trying to filter out what could be much bigger parts of the site so it's less cluttered around here. This site will eventually become just silly randomness.

9/27/03 - Alright, little change. I was without internet for 2 weeks, so I had some free time to make a little button for my live journal, it's all purdyfull. And I decided to put the midi menu on my bio page, it makes sense, pick a superhero theme to listen to while you read my bio. And I know my "theme of the week" never changes, but I'm having technical difficulties with my music, as in all my music (besides the stuff on my CD's) is at home, but look for something by The White Stripes next week...

9/5/03 - It's alive!!! Now you can either choose from the "mood of the month" song, or the Buffy, Angel and Charmed midi's. Which means this page is gonna take forever to load if you don't have DSL, but I do, and I'm heartless, so MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

9/4/03 - Yay! I got a live journal! I put in three entries in under 5 minutes yesterday, lol. Now I can rant about nothing in particular anytime I want and everybody can read it! And absolutely everything on this site is fixed now, I swear, I got it all. And on one last note: I'm gonna be helping imaginewhirledpeas and evil_pink_flamingo with thier site, go to Desiderratum to get a taste of my (and my friends') psycho side.

8/23/03 - Fine, if it doesn't want to work I'll just get rid of it. It's back to the little player thing and We Are The Normal. I've decided that whenever I get the time every week, I'll change the music, next week it may be something by the White Stripes, or the Charmed theme, I don't know, whatever suits my mood. That will probably be a good indicator for my general mood that week too, if it's something dark and depressing you can bet I'm not happy, if it's something by Korn I'm probably pissed at something, and if it's some giddy love song...well let's just face it, I'll never have a reason to play a love song...

8/19/03 - Ack! Stupid music thing. It's for midi files, but I tried to alter it for mp3's, which obviously did not work. Well, if at first you don't succeed...

Oh yes, and I'll get that hatching story for the gargoyle trio up as soon as possible, along with the adult images, but I just moved into college, so cut me some slack.

7/21/03 - Ok, everything's done. I guess. I really should do something with the hp and digimon pages though. Maybe eventually. Right now I'm debating whether or not to make this pretty rainbow background the background for all my pages (except the character pages, of course). Now that I have nothing else to do, expect some new characters sometime soon...no, really. I've almost finished one new one, for that naughty clutch Baeris is doing. It's kind of funny that technically I'm not old enough to read the story I'm writting, lol...wait, can I get in trouble for that?

7/11/03 - Well, I'm mostly done, I finished all the character pages; all I have to do now is fix a few small things (including some hatching stories that have myseriously disappeared) and then I'll be all done re-vamping, or whatever you call it.

7/8/03 - I have a forum now instead of a guestbook (don't worry though, you can still find the guesbook in the old news), cause basically Jennifer was just using it as her own personal forum anyway. I also added a page with buttons to link to me (though I don't see why you'd want to) and one for some weird drawings I made.

7/7/03 - Let there be links! I changed all my back and home buttons to the new ones (all except the character story pages)...least I think I got them all. Been workin' on the character pages too, all the links should work (for now). I know I said I was getting rid of all music, but I just love this song, and thought it fit the page; this'll be the only page with music...I promise *crosses fingers*

6/29/03 - I've officially named my site. I was getting tired of the lame Welcome To My Realm thing at the top of the page so I've offically named this place: Going Commando! And now I have a cool header and everything!

Also, I will be putting up new back and home buttons. This is back: and this is home: together they make: isn't that cute?

5/29/03 - I've been veeeeeeeeeery busy lately changing and updating this site. To my own surprise I've actually been getting things done lately, finishing up old projects and such. I think I'm developing a work ethic.................please, somebody help!!!!!!!!!

If you're wondering why none of the character links are working, it's cause I'm renaming most to better organize them, and yes all the music will be taken off, it's annoying me too.

Like the new background? GAY PRIDE baby! lol


6/29/03 - I've now signed up for all my classes I will be taking this fall at K-State. I tried to get out of algebra, but it was no use, I must take it. At least I don't have to take any horrible speach classes, as long as I take a writing class. Unfortunatly my major is Theater (for the moment) which means that even though I want nothing to do with actual acting, I will have to eventually take a class in it. I've also got astronomy, for no real reason other than it looks cool; I will eventually have to take some other science classes to complete my major, but I can do that later. I have till the end of July to back out of my contract, after that there's no escape, I will be going whether I like it or not.

even OLDER news