My Ilori Kitties


This is my little Ilori kitty. Her name is Angela. Her dad is Odysseus and her mom is Juliana. She comes from Ilori Cats

She's really friendly, unless you get on her bad side, then you're really in for it. And she has enough telepathy to throw objects as big as herself at you. But it takes alot to tick her off, so usually she'll curl up on your lap and go to sleep, even if she doesn't know you.

"Hi," Angela says.


Gender - Female - XX

Pattern - Solid - P'p'

Color 1 - White - C!C*

Color 2 - Black - C*c~

Color 3 - None - Cc!

Color 4 - Brown 1 - C'C^

Eyes - Pink - e^e~

Nose - Peach - N*N'

Fur - Short - Ff TR:4


This is another Ilori kitty. His name is Thomas.

He's such a sweetie, he wouldn't hurt a fly. He loves everyone. He likes to walk around and get attention from everyone, he jumps in your lap when you sit down too, even if he doesn't know you. And you just can't make him mad, it's impossible.

"Hello," he says.


Gender - XY - Male

Pattern - p'P* - Spotted

Color 1 - C!c~ - White

Color 2 - c!c' - Gray 1

Color 3 - C*C - Black

Color 4 - c*C - None

Eyes - e*E~ - Blue 1

Nose - N!N* - Black

Fur - FF - Short



This is Arlene, my last Ilori kitty, she's so purdy. She's very lazy and likes nothing better than to just lie in the sun for hours. She sometimes has a bit of a snotty attitude and loves to show off for anyone who will watch. She also turns her nose up to normal cat behavior like chasing mice, deeming it to dirty and not fitting for a cat like her. She is the daughter of Thomas, and he is very proud of her.


p'p' - Striped

C!C^ - White

c!c~ - Gray 1

C*c* - Black

c*c - Gray 2

e*e~ - Yellow

N!N' - Black

Ff - Short

TR: 8