My Bio

Niki a.k.a: Sukie
Manhattan Kansas

So you really want to know about me, you really care that much…fine.
Age: 19
Eyes: blue
Hair: blondish-brown, boyishly short
Height: 5’2”
Weight: more than it should be
Muscle: I wish
Skin tone: depends on the season…kinda freckly
Other: I’m told I look 15
Appearance as wolf: gray with a tan spot in the middle of my chest where my birthmark is
Mom: I look too much like her
Dad: somewhere
Brothers and sisters: one 16 year old boy; couple older half-sisters
Grandparents: still got the ones on my mom’s side, I’m very close to them
Other: too many to mention and they all live too close for comfort
Pets: 2 cats and a dog, don’t ask what any of them are
Don’t even get me started.
Socially: quiet for the most part, until I get to know you, then you start to wonder what porno I just stepped out of, don’t let the innocent look fool you
Family: they don’t know the half of it
Geek: you don’t know the half of it
Psycho: maybe a little
Nympho: ok, you got me there
Diagnosable: nothing Strattera can’t fix
Anything else: I’m nothing but one big constant surprise wrapped in skin. Don’t ever think you’ve heard the weirdest or most perverted thing that could ever come out of my mouth. Also don’t assume I will or will not do something based on previous experience with me. And for that matter, I'm a walking, talking contradiction. Take comfort in the fact that I'm always happy...and you aren't ^__^
Sports: tubing is the major one, nearly cracked a rib at the beginning of summer
Indoors: puzzles and video games, not a lot of people know about my puzzle addiction
Computer: chatting and working on a site that never seems to look any better
Other: traveling, getting as far away from here as possible
Movie: Chance, I have a slight crush on Amber Benson
Band: Placebo, at the moment
Song: Special K, cause it compares a woman to drugs
Video game: The Legend of Dragoon, has been for several years now
Sport: skateboarding, I just wish I knew how
TV show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer…well duh
Anime: Noir, though I’m embarrassed to say I enjoyed Kiddy Grade more then I ought of
Subject: design, at the moment, though I also really enjoyed acting
Sports team: KSU Wildcats, why do you think I go there?
Food: pocky *drool*
Color: orange
Place: the Rockies, I love the mountains
Instrument: I will forever be a drummer, even if I don’t play anymore
Random saying: kawaii chi!
Bodily: nails, the ones on the left hand anyway
Concealable: exact-o knife (also fun to play with by myself…pretty blood…)
Stealth: I look like the most innocent 15 year old ever, and I can play it too
Weapon of choice: Sai, cause I always wanted to be Raphael *poke*
College: sophomore at Kansas State University
Major: theatre
Clubs: Anime and Manga Society & Queer Straight Alliance
Hometown: Douglass, Kansas
From my friends in Manhattan: Squirrel
From my childhood friends: Nik
From Becca: Nikita
Online: Sukie
From my brother: Shorty
From my mom: Snickerdoodle
History/current events:
I grew up in a small town in Kansas, near the Oklahoma and Missouri borders. I didn't realize till I got to K-state that I had a bit of an accent. Becca says it's cute; I say it's hickish. But that's the least of the troubles that come from growing up in Douglass.
Douglass contains the scariest thing known to man: rapping cowboys. Teenagers dressed in flannel, cowboy hats, boots and Wranglers, cruising in thier pickups singing along to Snoop Dog. Thus is my high school.
Elementry really wasn't much better. Exclusion and fat jokes were the order of the day. I had about 5 friends at any given point in my childhood and numerous friends of friends and people who just felt sorry for me. And the rare boy who would play fight with me and talk about Power Rangers with me when his friends weren't looking.
Second grade through Junior High was a time of magic though...literally. This friend of mine thought she was a witch, and most of my childhood revolved around doing spells at her place or looking for ghosts in nearly every old building in town. It was like a movie, filled with midnight adventuring, journeys into the unknown and quite a bit more danger than our parents will ever realize.
It mostly stopped in High School with the breaking up of our little group; a split between our leader, Molly, and myself, taking with us the friends most loyal to each of us. That's when I got my frirst home computer and the net, and my life would be forever changed by RPG's, furries and a girl in New Mexico.
During this time, I slowly started growing apart from the person who'd been my best friend since preschool and whom I haven't talked to in a year. And I started growing closer to the girl who is now my best friend, despite going to rival colleges. My senior year we decided to go looking for tunnels under the town, and discovered the Hellmouth. That year I also discovered/remembered/admitted I was gay.
And yet my life still gets more interesting. I took an acting class, something I thought I could never do, made friends of nearly my entire dorm floor, and I've been exploring my sexuality in ways that would kill my mom if I went into detail here. In the past 6 months I found the girl of my dreams, got kicked out of college for bad grades, dated a guy, moved into my first apartment, got my first job, moved out of my first apartment, quit my first job and broke up with the girl of my dreams.
I still hold out hope that the break is just temporary, and that she'll still be friends with me. And in the meantime I'm looking for a new place, a new job, and just waiting for something to happen, and to get back into college. Fin.
A list of places you can find me:
AOL & Netscape: QueenOfCretins1
The Kitten, the Witches, and the bad Wardrobe: Sukie
Neopets: rocket85146
Lycos: bazil_broketail
Planet Out: nikiout
Live journal: oncognito