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EyEz On MeEh!!

NaMe: JuNe AiSa ALcAnTaRa
NiCkNaMe: BaByDoLL, JeNg
GeNDeR: FeMaLe
BiRtHDaTe: JuNe 28 [CaNcEr]
BiRtHpLaCe: MaNiLa, PhiLiPpInEs
NaTiOnaLiTy: FiLiPiNo
LoCaTiOn: NeW OrLeAnS, LA
ScHoOL: XaViEr UnIvErSiTy Of LoUiSiAnA
StAtUs: LeZ JuZz SaY DaT SoMeOnE SpEcIaL CaRrIeS MaH HeArT
AgE: LeGaL.... FiNaLLy
LiKeS~n~DiSLiKeS: Mayn, I don't even know where to begin. How 'bout if I don't. I like and dislike too many things for me to list so I'll save you the time. E-mail me for questions and I'll answer them.
E-mAiL AdDrEsS: AnD

FoOd - FLIP, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Indian, "Pho" (hehehe)... I guess I got the basics covered =) ... for short, EVERYTHING.
CoLoR - BLuE [AnY ShAdE] aNd SiLvEr.
SoNg - LoOk aT uS [SaRiNa PaRiS] & CaStLeS In Da SkY
SaNRiO ChArAcTeR - PeKkLe

AwWw... LoOk At MeEh At Da BeAcH In Da PhiLiPpiNeS WeN i WuZ YoUnG... ArEn'T I SoOo CuTe!!

Do YoU ThInK I HaVe EnOuGh PixXeS Of MaHseLf HeRe?.. WhAt CaN I SaY, I LoVe To TaKe PiCtUrEs!!!


Angel baby, this section is dedicated to you. No matter where you are in the world... near or far, my heart will always be with you. We may not be physically together but always remember that mentally we are. Also, remember that mah heart is. There will always be a special place in my heart where you will find yourself all the time even though you're always trying to hide... hehehe. Thanks for always being there for me to put with all mah bullshiet and whatever else, ya know? I dunno what I'd do without you. You're always teaching me new things about life and making sure that I don't do any more wrong things in life. I hope I'll be able to live up to the right things... Thanks for everything...

In the mist of summer rain, I wouldn't have thought that this bright & shiny day could bring me so much thoughts all day. I would love to be in your arms forever, A place where I feel safe and free, I have so much hopes and dreams to let alone you yourself the only one knows. I have loved you since the day I met you, because of you, you have helped me shape to be a better person, I'm sorry if I have ever caused you any pain. Please understand the blessings that you have given me, Your presence could never bring me pain, Only a feeling for tears of joy. You will forever stay in my heart, because this feeling inside is something that I can't hide. I will forever be yours... Someone you can confide in, Someone who makes you laugh when you are down, Someone to take care of you when no one else would. Can you tell me secrets you have never told, Share things you have never shared, Can you love me like you have never loved before, As if I was your first and so much more. I have never loved in this way before. Sometimes it is the hardest thing one can ever do. Loving you is not hard, Seeing you is not easy, But the distance doesn't always matter, As long as you're here inside, I'll always know your mind. So I hope and pray that things will forever stay the same. I will promise all myself to you, That my heart and my soul too, I promise that I will always be here for you, I promise never to leave and forsake you, I will always remain and never leave you. If I promise you Gold I will give you that and so much more. If I ever try to fight you, Walk away and say I love you. Talk to me even if it makes me sad, Always tell me what's in your mind especially your heart. If you promise me things, never leave me out, To be called abandoned, It will only break my heart. Give me no stress and pain, Just a promise that will always remain. Remember that my love for you will be unlimited, It will also be unrestricted. I will show you things that you have never seen, Open doors to a new beginning. I will dream of the day where there are no worries, Staying with you my whole life through... Do you dream of that day too? A dream that I hope will come true...


This section is dedicated to my family who has always been there for me through thick and thin. I know I can be a brat (sometimes) and would just like to show you how much you guys mean to me... even though I don't show it 24/7. Thanks for always being there. I love you.

Just If...
If tomorrow, I should never wake up,
I wanted to say I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for what I've done, and what I haven't done.
I could have done more, I should have done more.
If I harmed you, yelled at you, ignored you, or didn't care... I'm sorry.
If tomorrow, I should never wake up,
I wanted to say... Thank You.
If me and you were the best of friends,
Thank You... for always being there.
If You and I only talked once and a while, didn't do the same things, and weren't the best of friends...
Thank You for humbling me.
You are not perfect, but I am not either,
But Thank You for having a part in my life.
If tomorrow, I should never wake up,
I wanted to say everything I never had time to.

Da wHoLe FaMiLy cLiQuE aT OuR PaReNtS 25th WeDDiNg AnNiVeRsArY.

JuZz Da ThReE oV Us In HoNg KoNg `91

A-LiNe CrEw

What can I say cuzins. Some of us had not known each other than long, but I am glad that one of our reunions have brought us all together. I have nothing but madd love and props for ya. See ya on our next reunion!

MoSt Of ThE ThIrD GeNeRaTiOn oF Da A-LiNe FaMiLy.

aLL Da "MaTuRe" PeEpZ iN Da HoTeL RoOm... YeAh RiGht, WhO ArE We FoOLin'...

MaC-cLaN CrEw

Mayn, I dunno what to say you guys. We all have different lives... Even though we only see each once in a while, some more than others I always enjoy the time we spend together. I love you, guys!

aLL oV Da MaC-cLaN CuZiNz!!

AnOtHaH X-MaS GeT ToGeThEr (2000)

Da UsUaL CrEw... JuZz Da FiVe Of Us, JaNuArY '01
FrOm LeFt To RiGhT: ArTie (...deMac), JaNiCe (MaDfLiP), KaY (KaYLeEn), DrE (DoCtOr VtEc)
BoTtOm: Me (BaByDoLL)

DiZ iz An oLdIe, JuLy '00
FrOm LeFt To RiGhT: JaNiCe (MaDfLiP), KaY (KaYLeEn), Me (BaByDoLL), AnD KiM (TiA).
BoTtOm: DrE (DoCtOr VtEc)


Last but not least, madd love for mah friends, too. I know that most of us are in different states and we haven't seen each other for about 4 years, but I would just like to let ya know that I'm here for ya whenevah you need me. You know the number... if not (hehehe) contact me through e-mail. For those I see occasionally, leave me alone I'm sick of you! J/K. **MUAH** InGaTs~*~

DiZ Da WhOle XaViEr CliQue (Wit A CoUpLe MisSing) TaKeN aT Da WiNtEr FoRmaL 2000

aLriGhTy, I CaN't NaMe aLL of Us... BuT tHeSe ArE MoSt Of Da FliPs HeRe DoWn SoUth DuRinG Da EnDyMiOn PaRaDe (2000)

Aaw, mAyn... DiZ WuZ OnE WiLd SpRiNg BrEaK... aLL I GotTa SaY IsH, "WhAtEvEr HapPeNed In ThIs HoTel Room, StAys In Da HoTel RoOm" =)

A LiL GeT ToGetHer FoR ArIeL B4 hE LeFt To Go To WaShIngTon, D.C.
(Top: Janice, Lee, Me) (Bottom: Janet, Ariel, Ellen)

MaH GiRls FroM ScHooL (Lyla, Parmida, Me)

ThEre's OnLy A FeW of Us AsIaNs In My HiGh SchOol So We Had To StiCk TogEthEr @ OuR GrAdUatiOn
(Kiet, Nguyen, Me, Huy)

Da ReSt Of Da AsIaNs (Me, Jimmy, Crystal)

ThIs Is MoSt Of mAh FrIenDs aT McMain

aLL MaH GiRliEs FrOm FloRiDa
(Top: Quincy, Hoa, Amy, Michelle) (Bottom: Kokab, Kelsey, Suryia)

**** Welpz, this is the last of the first page. Feel free to check out the last 2 pages if you have time if not sign mah guestbook cauze I wanna know whatchoo think about it. Sorry, if your pic ended up not being on here or I put up an old pic of you. I have a reason to... either you never gave me a recent one or I juzz don't have a pic of you. Now you know that's tru cauze I have hella albums in mah room. Anywayz, thanks for taking the time to check it out. Although, I didn't do all this on mah own. Of course, J.J. (mah brother) had a little something to do wit it... ok, fine the whole thing. What can I say he knows all about this stuff better than I do. But I finally had the time to to put one together since you know I was a bumm this summah... and plus I've been attempting to make one for the past 3 years... hehehe. Welpz, I hope you likes. INGATS. ****

ReFrEsH WoRdS oF WiSDoM FaVoRiTe LiNkS

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