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What?! AG's been shut down?

Yeah, sadly it has. And we almost made it to three years too. A shame isn't it?


Many reasons actually. We could probably list fifty, but the main reason was the fact Rykea got her own domain. Because of this, she no longer has as much time to work on AG, and because of that we had to shut it down.

"What about the other AG's? Couldn't they take over AG?"

Draca herself has her own domain and is in the same situation as Rykea. Her domain comes first before any other sites.
Kitten just didn't want to. Her html knowledge is not as great as Draca's and Rykea's either.
Skye actually did volunteer to take over AG. She had a goal to keep it alive.. and it lasted for a whole week. When realizing how much work it is she backed out. Probably the smartest thing to do actually.

"Uh-huh… So what's gonna happen now?"

Nothing other than that fact AG will no longer be online. And don't you dare e-mail us about taking it over, 'cause we won't let you!

"But where will I go now?!"

Well, just because AG is gone it doesn't mean that there isn't any more anime site's other there. Open you eyes. But if you're really desperate (and pathetic) we've listed some of our other site's below.

Sorry about all of this. We'll miss you guys!

~ Rykea, Draca, Skye and Kitten
The Anime Gurlz
Paradise Lost (Forum)