Bad Reputation - A Gia Campbell Fiction Site

Last Update: April 15, 2002
New Short Story The Best Is Yet To Come
My hiatus of writing is finally over... if you haven't already... check out the next in the Spoken From the Heart series...Flying Into the Sun.
To all of the Soapzone readers who have inquired into when I'll be returning... I really don't know. I guess when I see conversations that are worth joining instead of laughing at. I miss you guys though!
All stories listed have been created by Tracey aka Angelyc. I do not own any of the other characters mentioned unless it such is a new character designed and patented by me. All copyrights of everything else belong to ABC and Disney. Thanks!

Full Length Stories and Series...

Spoken From the Heart - (MFM, DIT, etc)
Criminal Attraction - Jason & Gia (WIP)
The Right Kind Of Wrong - Gia,Zander, & Lucky (WIP)
Key To My Heart - Stefan & Flo - Sequel to the short story Healing Love
Contagious... Gia & Sonny
Confrontational... Gia, Lucky, Nik & Elizabeth
Movin' On - Gia & Johnny
Happiness - My first story
Click here to find SHORT STORIES!
