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Accidentally In Love
Chapter Five


I boarded the bus with every intention of going straight to my bunk to continue my slumber, but the conversation going on behind me peaked my interest.

"So, what were you smiling about back there?" I had to turn around to make sure Bob's question wasn't directed at me. I didn't remember smiling, but you never know...

"What? N-n-nothing," Dave stuttered. I swear, he turned so pale...Bob and I had to give each other "what's-with-him" looks. "And you're one to talk," my youngest brother continued. "You and Zac got pretty chummy pretty fast." He sounded so defensive...

Bob crinkled up his nose and blinked a few times; I'm sure I did the same. "What are you talking about, man? I just wanted to know what you were thinking about." He shook his head in dismissal of Dave's weirdness and brushed past me, dropping his stuff in his bunk.

Dave just looked ashamed, and Scott was still outside with our dad and Mr. Hanson. So I took this as a good time to have guy talk.

I sat down on the couch and took a look at Dave, whose face was turning considerably red. "Dude, what is up?"

"What do you mean?" he asked back. Yeah, he was talking fast, and answering questions with questions. I noticed his sudden lack of eye contact and decided this was no time to be subtle.

"I mean, what's up with you? I mean, why are you being all weird? I mean, why did you bring Hanson into the conversation with Bob?" I leaned toward him as he jerked his eyes away from me. "And why did you jump when I said Hanson?" He looked down at the floor and I knew I was getting warmer. I was still feeling completely in the dark, though. "Hanson," I repeated. "Hanson. Hanson. Hanson."


"Dude, that guy is cool!" I cried as I bounded up the stairs to our bus. I hadn't been able to impromptu jam in forever, especially not with another drummer. And he was a teenager, too. Too. Friggin. Awesome. "Isn't this weird?" I commented. "How they're going to the same place as us? And how they stayed at the same hotel? And they might even stay at our house! He's such a good drummer. And he's crazy like me! Bitchin..." I stopped and took a breath, only then realizing that I'd been talking way too fast.

Taylor laughed from behind me. "God, Zac. You sound like you might have met the man of your dreams," he teased. "Are you an in-the-closet Moffatts fan?"

I sat down at the table and scowled at him. "Oh, yes, Tay. I have all their albums 'cuz Bob is just so hot. I want him." I rolled my eyes as Taylor walked past me, then caught Isaac getting on the bus and giving me a strange look.

"Umm...I think I came in at the wrong part of that conversation."

I sighed. "It's okay, Ike. There wasn't a right part of that conversation. Taylor was talking, after all."


Oh, God, get me out of this! Clint was staring at me way too hard for my comfort, and I was about to start sweating bullets. What if he knew? He was my triplet, after all. He can read me pretty well.

"Okay, guys. On our way."

I can honestly say that Scott's voice has never sounded so angelic. To me, anyway.

I put my sunglasses on the bar and busied myself with getting a soda and ignoring Clint. But I could still feel his eyes on me. I shuddered inwardly and turned around to make my way to the television in the back of the bus. Of course, I inevitably made the mistake of glancing at the obnoxious-twin-of-the-moment; he gave me this evil look and mouthed, "Later." That's only supposed to happen in the movies! Oh well. I pretended nothing had happened and kept walking. I needed some time to think up a good excuse for my strange behavior.

But, of course, the cards had not fallen in my favor today. I walked into the television room to find the other obnoxious twin watching "Titanic". Wonderful.

I sighed and sat down anyway, sipping at my Sprite as Bob mindlessly shoveled popcorn into his mouth. At least he was busy chewing and not talking. And I didn't have to watch the movie. I could just sit, relax, and try to think about something other than Taylor Hanson.

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