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Accidentally In Love
Chapter Two


"Dammit, Bob. Where is your brother?" Dave demanded.

I looked up from refolding the corners on Dave's bed to see my twin smirk and point to me. I chortled and smoothed out the covers. Why is it that we grew up with the same parents, but I learned how to make a bed and he didn't?

"Very funny," Dave was saying. "Do you hear me laughing?"

"Geez, Dave. Calm down," I coaxed. He may have been the youngest, but was probably the most responsible, anyway.

"Me calm down? Take some of your own advice, Mr. I-make-the-bed-three-times-when-don't-have-to-do-it-at-all."

I was hurt. Dave doesn't usually pick on my OCD. He's pretty used to it since we always have to share a room when we're on the road. I was about to reply to his PMS attitude, but Bob shot me a "don't" glance...And I always listen to Bob.

"Clint, he's just upset. Don't take it personally. Dave, I'm sure Scott'll be here soon. But in the meantime, we're not the ones you're mad at."

Bob the peacemaker. Gotta love him.

And then, finally, our culprit arrived.


As soon as I walked in the door, Dave was on my ass. Figures.

Finally! What were you doing down there? Blow drying your - "

"Dave..." Bob and Clint warned simultaneously. It was good to have twins on your side. I ignored Dave.

"Wow," I commented instead. "Has the maid already been?"

Clint swelled and beamed with pride. "Nope," he chirped. "Just me."

"Guys, we gotta go," Dave whined.

I sighed and took it in stride, but only because I was in a good mood. "Okay guys, let's go." I rolled my eyes. "And don't forget to tip the maid."

"Shit, no!" Clint sounded utterly disgusted. "I did her entire job, anyway. I even folded the toilet paper into a little triangle."

I smothered a laugh and didn't even bother to look back as whoever was last shut the door. "I was talking about you, man."

Taylor"Woah, dude. Come here," Isaac beckoned to me as he looked out the window. "There's a ton of fans out there.

"Ike, there's always tons of fans out there," my younger brother Zac commented from behind his magazine.

I got up anyway, and walked to the window where Isaac stood looking out. What else did I have to do?

As soon as I reached the window, I realized my older brother was right. "Damn," I muttered. "That's a lot of - " I stopped then, and squinted to see better.


"What is it, Tay?" I asked. Obviously, something had caught his attention, and I wanted to know what it was. It takes a lot to get Taylor's attention.

He stared for a moment longer before speaking again. "Zac, your vision still 20/20?" he asked, not taking his eyes off whatever he was staring at.

"Of course." Zac saw an opportunity and ran with it. "Perfect. Just like the rest of me," he boasted putting his magazine on the coffee table. I guess self-centeredness is a good destraction.

"Yeah...right," Taylor replied absently. "Come here for a sec."

Now I was really curious. I searched the crowd for anything that might have peaked Taylor's interest, but to no avail. It couldn't have been a girl...Taylor just doesn't go for the teeny type. But I couldn't think of anything else it could have been.

"Look right there," Tay was saying to Zac. "At that blue and white sign. What does it say?"

The three of us all squished together and looked hard at the sign.

"I love...Scott?"

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