The Official Nena Webpage

of Nena, by Nena, For Nena

What's New:

Hi There! Welcome to "The Nena Page"! I'm your hostess, Nena, and I'm here to assure that the time you spend here is enjoyable and intellectually stimulating. If you have any tips about how I could improve the time/enjoyment ratio, please sign the guestbook and tell me how you feel! While you're here, feel free to visit any of the fine sites listed below, and above all, ENJOY!

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The Many Different Parts of my Site

This is my old front-page. It's pretty dang hilarious and the links still work!
So you like poetry, eh? Read mine if you wish!
A bit of my art
This page is not for the weak! haha! It's very interesting and includes facts about me as well as some strange questions.
Here's a site full of pictures of my friends! Gotta love 'em!
A few links to some cool sites
You REALLY don't want to go here; I promise!
A few things I've written! It's rather unique!
Oh MY! Another place you probably don't want to go.