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The smooth grey stone beneath your bare feet seems to sparkle with tiny rainbow - coloured inclusions. The colours seem to be reflected off the plain whitewashed walls of the courtyard.

A single building of red brick dominates the skyline. Surrounding it, taller than the wall facing you, you see the crowns of trees, and wonder just how big this Temple is, if it dwarfs even the majestic greenery and the wall.

The sky above is clear, deep blue and the sun is hot on your bare head as you reach the marquee in the centre of the ancient courtyard.

You enter the marquee, and see a glowing green hypnotic disk spinning slowly on a stand, blown by the gentle wind. There are seats: some of them occupied by glassy-eyed students who arrived early.

You are alone.

Other than the marquee, the only feature is a red door set in the wall. You approach the door, turn the handle. It opens, and the mysteries within beckon you inside ...