Episode 4.17

Fade in:

A chess board sits upon a low marble table. Lavish chess pieces, white and black, are set on the board to begin a new game.

A dark skinned man in a white robe moves one black chess piece forward. His name is Yin.

Yin – It begins.

A light skinned woman dressed in a black robe moves a white chess piece forward. Her name is Yang

Yang – Yes, to end.

Yin – (sits back and smiles) That is a contradiction

Yang – We are contradiction

Yin – We are opposites

Yang – That is the way of things.

Yin – If you cannot eradicate that which opposes it makes life an endless fight

Yang – If that’s your attitude, what is the point of living life at all?

Yin thinks about it for a moment. He raises an eyebrow in curiosity. He has no answer.

Yang – Do not ask such questions about life and the universe my friend. Some things just are.

Yin – But curiosity is a thread that winds its way through life and the universe. To ask these questions and discover why, that is what drives us.

Yang – Good and evil. One cannot be without the other. You cannot have good without evil. Surely what would be the purpose of good if not to temper evil?

Yin – And what would be the purpose of evil if not to challenge good.

Yang – The capacity for both is in each of us. But why make one choice and not another? Is it based on experience or is it a reflection of the soul?

Yin – Do not ask such questions about humanity my friend. Some things just are. The threads in the tapestry of the universe create and re create over and over again.

Yang – All that remains constant is choice.

Yang moves another white chess piece forward.

Yang – So it begins.

Yin moves another black chess piece forward

Yin – Yes. It begins to end.



Adrienne Wilkinson as Eve
Austin St John as Craig
William Gregory Lee as James
Tsianina Joelson as Morgan
Dorian Gregory as Jeff


Also Starring
Kellie Shanaye Williams as Natalie
Zyang ZiYi as Tao An

Guest Starring
Neil McDonough as Carreau
Marie Makao as Kao Hsin
Anthony Wong as Lin Qi
Zoe Weizenbaum as Young Tao An
Lexa Doig as Yang
Christopher Judge as Yin
Kaori Momoi as Tao An
Fionnula Flanagan as Eve

Patricia Arquette as Kate
John Noble as Merlin
Marina Sirtis as Serena
Jonathan Frakes as Bobby
Miracle Laurie as Allison

Eve stares out a window. Her face is streaked with tears. She looks worn and bedraggled.

Eve – (voice over commentary) Losing all hope is freedom. Someone said that once. It wasn’t me. I used to believe that there was always hope. That was the most wondrous thing about humanity, their capacity for hope, hope to make a better future. But was I trapped by that? Was I trapped by the thought that if I just fought a little harder, a little smarter, was more pure, more pious, that I can save everyone? Is that what freedom is, no hope, no will to fight or to live, just wait for the inevitable, death? Well I don’t feel very free. I just feel broken.

We pan out and find Eve is not in her apartment. She is in a small bungalow. She is looking out the patio window at a small garden. Kate, James mother, comes into view and hands out a cup of coffee to Eve. Eve turns to face Kate and slowly takes the cup of coffee. Kate walks over and sits on a couch. In the corner of the room, Yang stands watching, unseen by Eve and Kate.

Eve – I . . . I didn’t know where else to go. Not that I was going anywhere to begin with. I just started walking and . . .

Kate – It’s alright Eve. I know. (motions for Eve to sit down)

Eve – (sits down in the arm chair across from Kate) You had a vision.

Kate – (nods) You believe your friends no longer trust you. Is that why you’re here?

Eve – I’ve failed them. I can’t turn to them and burden them with my hurt and pain, not when I caused it . . . (sees Kate looking at her with sad eyes) I shouldn’t have come. You loved Carrie too and I couldn’t protect her from that evil . . . . I . . .(gets up) I just. . .

Kate – (gets up and stops Eve) I don’t blame you Eve. I know you did all you could to save her. James knows this too. He doesn’t blame you, none of your friends do. They just hurt right now. They love you and they don’t expect you to prevent every bad thing that happens, they only look to you to lead them through it.

Kate turns Eve toward her and wipes a lone tear that falls down Eve’s face.

Eve – I don’t know how

Kate – Yes you do. You’re just tired and confused right now.

Eve – (quieter) I don’t know if I want to.

Kate – (strokes Eve’s hair) Yours is a restless life. Peace is not easy for you to come by but you are blessed for the peace that you bring to others. I know it’s hard but you do have a choice. Can you choose to just do nothing?

Yang stands straighter at that. She walks over and stands by Eve.

Eve – Does destiny really leave room for choice? Or are we all just caught up in the inevitable.

Kate – (re affirms)You do have a choice. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. Life's challenges help you discover who you are. They are never meant to paralyze you.

Eve nods but doesn’t really believe it. Kate pulls Eve in an embrace. Eve settles in her embrace, comforted for a brief time. As Kate lets go Eve sighs and tries to pull herself together.

Kate – Go home Eve. Sleep. Things will appear clearer once you rested.

Eve nods and gives small smile.

Fade from Eve as she walks down the street from Kate’s house.

Kate – (voice) You do have a choice. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. Life's challenges help you discover who you are.

Eve – I want to know who Tao An is. How did she of all people become the Messenger for all evil?

Yang appears behind Eve.

Eve – What happened that made her choose this?

Yang – The answer lies in the past

Eve whips around. She looks around for the owner of the voice. There is no one. She is alone. She stands there for a minute as if trying to decipher what she is sensing. She takes a deep breath and turns back around to head home

Fade from Eve to the centre the next day. James is at the counter counting the cash for the day. Morgan bangs at the door. James looks up and sees Morgan. He walks over and unlocks the door letting her in. He goes back to the counter.

Morgan – Have you seen Eve?

James – (shakes his head) No. She came back late last night and she left before I got up this morning too.

Morgan – I just came from Craig’s. Jeff and Natalie are with him and his parents trying to help . . . help them through their loss. . . What are we going to do?

James – I don’t know.

Fade from James to Eve. She’s in the park. She is sitting on a blanket under a tree. She has books and papers all around her. The book of wisdom, transcripts of Gawain and the Green Knight, a book on meditation, and Craig’s spell book open to the time transfer spell.

Eve sits cross legged. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. Her body relaxes. The wind picks up. She hears a voice on the wind.

Lao Ma – Knowing the way is like being a child . . .


A servant packs away clothes and ornaments into an intricately carved chest. A young Chinese girl of eight stands watching. We pan to the right to reveal two adults we recognize as Kao Hsin and Lin Qi.

Lin Qi – You shouldn’t burden her chest with trinkets and treasures. She has a long journey ahead of her

Kao Hsin – They are treasures of our homeland, so she’ll remember. (shakes her head) She is too young to be sent away.

Lin Qi – She is a child of Chin. An education in Rome could give us many insights into the Western world, it could help us forge an international relationship promoting trade and commerce with benefits to both kingdoms, it may even give chance to create a treaty.

Kao Hsin – When my visions led me to find her in that orphanage I promised myself I would look after her, that I would never let the same hate be fostered in her as it was with her mother.

Lin Qi – She is not Pao Ssu. Your niece is gentle and kind but she is also strong. My Roman friend has found her a home to be fostered in, where she will be the companion of a young Roman girl. Her tutelage will help forge a diplomatic relationship between the empires that could create the kind of peace Lao Ma would have wanted.

Kao Hsin looks at Lin Qi with both hope and sorrow. She closes her eyes and relents. She turns and kneels before the little girl and takes her hands gently in her own.

Kao Hsin – Are you ready Tao An?

*End Flashback*

Eve snaps open her eyes and is jolted out of her vision. She looks around her books and papers frantically trying to catch her breath. She catches the brief attention of some passersbys but ignores it.

Voice – You know what happens next don’t you?

Startled Eve looks up. The Homeless Man that helped her find Gawain sits before her. He has changed as he is now clean and well groomed. She looks down at one of the pictures from the transcript and sees Arthur’s Court with Merlin there. She looks up to him understanding who he is now.

Unseen by both of them Yin kneels in the background.

Merlin – (repeats his question) You know what happens next don’t you?

Eve – (sighs before answering) She was in Rome for four years and then I betrayed her. When Alfidia set her up I allowed the lie to persist so she would be taken away and sent back to Chin.

Merlin – And so she was

Eve – Is that why she became who she is? Is that what started her down the path to . . . (loss for words) ultimate evil.

Merlin – She told you it wasn’t. Do you think she was lying?

Eve – No. But why would anyone willingly choose that life.

Merlin – Does destiny leave room for choice?

Eve looks to Merlin narrowing her eyes. She feels as if he is mocking her. She remembers their last encounter.

Eve – The answer lies in the past. Can you help me? Can you help me see the past, like when you helped me see Gawain’s?

Merlin – I helped you tap into the power you already possess. Gawain was running out of time and you needed to access it promptly.

Eve – I am asking you for help!! This is your world, your existence as much as it is mine and we are hurtling toward the abyss. Why does everyone insist in placing their life and soul in my hands and still resist to help me protect what is most dear to them.

Merlin – Why do you insist in carrying this burden alone and push away those who are with you. The very people who will fight with you to the end.

This stuns Eve into silence.

Passerby – Are you okay?

Startled, Eve looks to the jogger and then looks back to find Merlin gone. She looks around surprised and begins to wonder if he was really there at all. She looks back to the jogger who is looking at her strangely.

Eve – Uh . . . yeah. I’m fine I’m just . . . thinking out loud.

Eve gives a strained smile as the jogger gives her a strange look before continuing to jog down the path.

Eve – (to herself as she gathers up the books and papers) Talking to myself . . . people are going to start thinking I’m crazy. (stops short realizing she is still talking to herself) I am crazy.

In the distance Merlin and Yin watch as Eve gathers her things and leaves the park.

Merlin –She is right. It would not be right to leave one person to fight for what we all hold dear. But she is the only one who can beat this evil. So I chose to point her in the right direction.

Yin smiles as he lays and gentle hand on Merlin’s shoulder in affirmation.

Fade to noontime as Eve enters the centre. She weaves through the people trying to get to the backroom. Before she goes in James sees her and quickly catches her arm.

James – Hey, where have you been? I’ve been worried about you!

Eve – I’m sorry . . . I’ve been trying to figure things out. . . (looks up at James and remembers Merlin’s words) Will you help me?

James – (surprised) Uhhh, yeah. Sure, what do you need?

Eve – Call everyone. Bring them here.

Fade to later in Eve’s apartment. Eve, is sitting on the couch. There is incense and candles lit on the table, a book on meditation and trances lays open on the table. James, Jeff, Morgan and Natalie are there. Craig is sitting off to the side with his parents Serena and Bobby.

Craig – Are you sure you want to do this Eve? To be able to the see events of another’s past requires you to go into a very deep trance.

Eve – I know. The first time I did it I was knocked out

Natalie – It’s dangerous! We’ve been working for ages on opening up your mind so you can tap into your powers but you flaked out to declare war on that devil chick . . .

Eve – Tao An. Her name is Tao An and you’re right. I charged into battle and I wasn’t ready then.

Natalie – And you’re not ready now. At least not to do this!

Eve – I’ve done it before! I have the gift of sight, I . . .

Natalie – But not the discipline! You can end up seriously damaging yourself or losing yourself within your own mind.

Eve – To stop Tao An I need to understand who she is and why she chose this path. All I know of her is the young girl I betrayed in Rome. If I know why she chose evil I can help her understand her own pain, I can help her choose a different path. Even the smallest dilution in her purity of hate could be just what is needed to help bring the others back.

Craig – Know your enemy . . . well I’ve heard worse plans

Serena – Eve, we don’t blame you for what happened to Christopher and as much as I want him back, as much as I want this evil to be defeated, doing this could harm you, possibly kill you, and then where would we be.

Eve – I have to try. I have the power and the will. I can do this. But I’ll need an anchor. (looks to all her friends in earnest)

James – (takes her hand) Eve . . .

Eve – When the deeds of Livia manifested itself in this time, I’ve come to see that those were actually opportunities, a chance to put things right, to correct the mistakes I’ve made. But the memories of what I did will never go away. I thought if I could just let go, just forget then the past then it wouldn’t matter anymore. I could be someone else, what a Messenger should be.

Craig - You have been Eve

Eve - Its not enough. I need be more. We have to fight, I have to use those skills I learned in the past, with ones I've learned now. To be the ultimate instrument to defeat Tao An I have to free myself from fear. Fear has kept me grounded but it’s also what has held me back. But I can only free myself of fear of the darkness if I know you will keep me grounded. Please! Be my anchor. Don't let go.

Morgan comes over and places her hands over Eve’s and James. Natalie and Jeff do the same. Bobby and Serena come down and sit on either side of Eve. Craig slowly walks over and places his hand upon the others.

Fade to later, focus on a candle. In the silence only the ringing of a chime can be heard. More sounds become clear. It is faint chanting. Craig is chanting. We pan up from the candle light. Morgan is ringing the chime. Serena whispers incantation and Craig continues to chant. Bobby sits on a chair off to the side of the couch carefully watching all of them, worry clear on his features. Jeff straightens out Eve’s legs as Natalie carefully lays Eve’s head on the couch. Eve eyes close as she breathes in the smoke from the bowl that James places under her nose. On opposite sides of the room Yin and Yang watch. As Eve goes limp James places the bowl down and takes Eve’s hand. She looks like she is asleep. One last chime rings out and all goes silent.


Fade in to a close up of Eve’s face. She appears to be sleeping.

In the distance the sound of hooves can be hears. Many hooves can be heard charging at great speed.

Eve’s eyes snap open. Eve is in a field. She looks up to see a stampede of horses and their riders charging toward her and they are not slowing down. Eve quickly curls into a ball and covers her head bracing herself for impact. But the horses just run right through her. As the horses charge through, Eve realizes she is not affected. As they ride away Eve looks up as they go. She looks over herself and realizes she hasn’t been hurt in any way. She gets up and looks around.

Fields of grass, as far as the eye can see, an endless field that looks like liquid brass in the sun. Eve looks all around. She doesn’t know where to go. She turns around and sees Yin and Yang both standing there in the distance.

Voice – Eve?

Eve gasps startled, she whips around and sees Allison standing there. Draped in purple robes she looks at Eve confused. Eve looks back to Yin and Yang and finds they are no longer standing there. She turns to Allison

Eve- Allison? What . . . .what are you doing here.

Allison – As a guardian of time I am everywhere. I am a part of the flow. I can see all that was. And now your powers allow you to see as I do.

Eve – (nods) My powers allow me to see events of the past, even the memories of another. I used it once without really meaning to. It has become imperative for me to harness it and use it again.

Allison – You have understood my warning then?

Eve – Tao An is my opposite and my equal.

Allison – You have come to see the right time and place. This is Chin, a little under a year after Tao An was banished from Rome.

Allison points to a spot in the distance. A carriage and horses are riding.

Allison – You want to understand what brought Tao An to be the warrior that would see you destroyed?

Eve – I want to understand Tao An

Allison – Then follow the riders.

Eve – Will you come with me?

Allison – I am a Guardian. We are forbidden to interfere but I am a part of the flow I’ll be with you regardless.

Eve – I’m relieved you weren’t punished for helping us the last time.

Allison – (frowns and looks down in sadness) I am a part of the endless flow. No more

Eve looks at her confused but is distracted by the shouts in the distance. When Eve looks back she finds Allison no longer standing there. She sighs

Eve – I wish people would stop doing that.

Eve looks to the carriage and horses riding in the distance.


Suddenly Eve is there walking beside them. She looks startled for a moment and stumbles but quickly pulls herself together and moves closer to the carriage. Inside the carriage she sees a young Tao An sitting there. She looks sad and a little tired. Lin Qi sits beside her reading a scroll. He crumples it and shoves it to the side.

Lin Qi – The more I read that scroll, the more angry I become. The audacity of that woman and her protégé to accuse you of stealing! It makes no sense!

Tao An – (sad) I didn’t steal anything!

Lin Qi – (calms himself down) I know. You’ve told me your side of the story and I know you, you would not lie, nor would you steal. It is clear someone planted those possessions in your room and accused you of theft to have you removed from the palace and from Rome. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was done out of jealousy and spite.

Tao An – I’m sorry.

Lin Qi – (turns Tao An to him and looks her in the eye) No. No, you have nothing to be sorry for. I wanted to unify the peoples of the East and West and used you to initiate that. I’m sorry for putting you in that position, for sending you so far away from your people. You’re just a young girl, you just wanted a family and a home. But you have returned to your true home and perhaps it is best that the East and the West remain separated for now. Our peoples are too different.

The carriage slows to a stop. Lin Qi looks out the window. He sees the sun setting.

Lin Qi – We must be stopping to break camp. I’m going to help the men. Will you stay here for the moment?

Tao An nods sadly. As Lin Qi exits the carriage Eve moves closer to look at the sad girl.

Eve – No Tao An, I’m the one who’s sorry. You were my first real friend and I betrayed you.

The little girl of course cannot see or hear Eve. A man walks straight through Eve and she recoils at the sensation.

Eve – I am never going to get used to that.

Eve looks back inside the carriage and is astounded to see Yin sitting across from Tao An and stranger yet, to see Yin looking straight at Eve. He then speaks to her.

Yin – You made a choice. One choice does not define ones fate. It is but a step. It takes many steps to make the journey, to arrive at ones true destination.

Eve is overwhelmed that Yin is actually speaking to her. She is about to ask Yin something but is interrupted when a man enters the carriage from the other side. She looks back to Yin only to find he is no longer there. It no longer matters as Eve is interested in the blond, bright blue eyed, thirty something man that has entered the carriage and sits across from Tao An. Tao An looks at the man confused. He is dressed in the silk robes of an Emperor of Chin but he is no emperor. He smiles.

Man – Hello

Tao An – You’re not from Chin.

Man – No. I was banished from my own home so I have decided to make my home here. At least for now. Lin Qi tells me I am to be your tutor.

Tao An looks at the man unsure. He laughs

Man – I assure you I am very knowledgeable. I can probably teach you more than your Roman tutor ever could. (sees Tao an lower her head is sadness) Why so sad?

Tao An – I was banished too. From Rome. My friend Livia betrayed me.

Man – I am sorry to hear that but it’s to be expected. It’s in her blood

Tao An – What do you mean?

Man – Livia is the daughter of Xena the Warrior Princess.

Tao An – I didn’t know that!!

Man – I told you I was knowledgeable. The truth is not many people know that fact. I doubt even Livia knows but she is like her mother, it’s her nature to betray. Xena betrayed your Grandmother Lao Ma. Now Livia has done the same to you.

Tao An – But Xena came back to make amends. She ended the tyranny, kept peace alive and helped my aunt’s cause. Does that mean Livia will come to Chin and make amends for her deeds against me?

Man – (frustrated) I don’t know . . . maybe. But do you really want her to? After all, her mother killed your mother. Xena killed Pao Ssu making you an orphan. Doesn’t that make you angry?

Tao An – No . . . It makes me sad. Livia and I were not so different. (sighs) Pao Ssu was just my birth mother. She abandoned me in pursuit of conquest and power. She would have destroyed Chin if Xena and Kao Hsin had not stopped her.

A flash of rage passed the Man’s face but was quickly replaced by a smile.

Man – That’s it! Keep hope alive. Don’t let yourself get persuaded too easily. (takes deep breath) You know Tao An, I think you and I are going to be good friends.

The man makes a move to exit the carriage.

Tao An – Wait! What’s your name?

Man –(turns back and smiles) I am Carreau.

Eve looks on in horror as Carreau leaves the carriage!

Eve – NO!!

Eve lunges forward and falls. She crashes to the ground.


Cut to Eve as she looks up at her surroundings. Eve finds she is now in a room in an imperial home in Chin. She gets up and looks across the room at a 15 year old Tao An sitting with Carreau

Eve – Don’t listen to him Tao An! Whatever he says do not listen!!

Allison – She can’t hear you

Eve gasps and looks to her left as Allison is just suddenly there.

Eve – I know. I know . . . .it’s just . . . (gestures to Tao and Carreau)

Allison – You know that man?

Eve – He’s no man and we’ve never actually met but I know all about him. He’s among Lucifer’s favourite demons, a Prince of Powers. Craig told me Carreau attaches himself to people in positions of power and hardens their hearts against the world. He manipulates them into hating and eradicating all who oppose them. He must be the one who’s poisoned Tao An’s mind . . . .(looks to Alison) What are you doing here? I thought you were gone.

Allison – I told you. I am a part of the flow of time. You may not always see me but I am there.

Eve – What does even that mean?

Allison – (sad she looks away. She stares at silk cloth on the wall) I entered your world because I saw a possible future where the universe is torn apart by the chaos that Hell unleashes. I knew you could stop it and I chose to warn you, help if I could. All of us have a stake in the universe and so we should all share the responsibility of caring for it. My sister Guardians did not share that view.

Eve – So you were punished.

Allison – I interfered. It’s forbidden to alter human destiny and we hold knowledge no human should be aware of but I did it anyway. Even as a mortal I had a very acute perception of time. My understanding of it is unique, that’s why I was chosen to guard those secrets. It was only fitting that I should be integrated into its flow as to keep me from interfering. There is no contact, no conversation, no exchange through the endless flow of lives, the ever weaving tapestry. I am alone and but a shadow to all else that exists. (her voice breaks)

Eve – (overwhelmed with compassion) I am so sorry Allison.

Allison – I had a choice Eve. Seeing you here now I know made the right one. I accept the consequences of my actions (looks to Tao An) As must we all.

Eve scowls as she looks upon Tao An and Carreau. Tao An has her chin resting in her hand. She looks up at Carreau bored as he continues explains a theory to her.

Carreau – Forces always occur in pairs. You see, every action is accompanied by a reaction of equal magnitude but opposite direction.

Tao An – (sighs) Science, medicine and now mechanics. When will you teach me something useful?

Carreau – (indignant) It’s all useful. Knowledge is power.

Tao An – Did my grandmother know all this? Is that why she was powerful?

Carreau – Not exactly. Oh I’m sure she knew all this but it was not the source of her power. In actuality it was probably her power that gave her great wisdom, great knowledge

Tao An – You said you were knowledgeable. When will you teach me the kinds of things she knew? I want to be like that, like Lao Ma. She was a great woman

Carreau – (dubious) If you say so

Tao An – You don’t think that’s true?

Carreau – Well let’s really look at the woman you admire. Each hero’s journey begins with some sort of spiritual guidance. Often this is embodied in the form of a guide, whom the hero comes to rely upon for wisdom and direction. Take Xena for example. She was irrevocably changed by the lessons imparted upon her by Lao Ma but Lao Ma was not merely some parental stand in, she had an agenda in grooming Xena along a certain path that was almost self-serving.

Tao An – How can you say that? After all the good Lao Ma did for Chin?

Carreau – Was it goodness that she gave birth to the Green Dragon, the very bane of Chin?

Tao An was startled for a moment compelled to defend her grandmother but cannot find the words. Carreau continues on

Carreau – Lao Ma had many faults. She kept her own husband alive in a coma so that she can rule in his name. She had already decided that she is the best choice to rule. She believed that she knew what was best for other people believing in her own moral superiority. Her actions clearly contradict the wisdom she spouted.

Tao An – She cared about her people. She made the decision so she could help them.

Carreau – She was duplicitous in nature. She talked about self sacrifice and yet took what was not rightly hers when it suited. And in the same way she was manipulating events to what best suited. She groomed Xena to correct her own mistake. Ming T'ien grew up to become a monster and while Lao Ma had the power to stop her son she could not bring herself to do so. Xena was forced to destroy the menace that Lao Ma created.

Eve – (shouts out) She couldn’t kill him because she loved him!

Allison – Eve . . .

Eve – I can’t help it!! Lao Ma may have given birth to the child but Xena and Ming Tzu created the monster! Lao Ma knew the devastation the Green Dragon would cause and knew that she could not stop him on her own. Carreau is feeding Tao An lies!!

Allison – Is he?

Eve – No but . . . he’s feeding her half truths. Telling her one side while completely omitting the other side. . . (remembering something from another vision quest) The ultimate form of deceit. (sighs and relents a little) Lao Ma’s love may have protected Ming T’ien, gave the monster free reign but her love also gave Xena, my mother, the strength to fight him. By only offering one side of the story Carreau is taking away Tao An’s right to choose what to believe.

Allison – No he isn’t. . .

Eve – What?

Allison – She knows that story. Carreau just offered another perspective. She will choose what to believe. Carreau knows this is and it’s what makes her of special interest to Lucifer.

Eve looks back to Tao An in surprise and catches Carreau’s next words

Carreau – That being said while Lao Ma didn’t enlighten her student for purely noble reasons, she did enlighten. Lao Ma introduced Xena to a world that she never knew existed. A world governed by a greater power. Surrender yourself to that greater power and you can learn to access it. It’s something to think about.

Carreau smiles at Tao An and Tao An smiles back.


Eve turns around unable to look at the bonding of Tao An and Carreau. She notices once again that Alison is gone and her surroundings have changed. Tao An is in a kitchen with her aunt Kao Hsin. Kao Hisn is moving back and forth between the stone oven and a table baking bread. A 17 year old Tao An is pleading with her.

Tao An – I’m just saying, we can use the power, that wisdom that so many coveted to bring prosperity to our people.

Kao Hisn – The power is not used to rule, it used to guide and enlighten. A leader is best when people barely know she exists, when her work is done, her aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves

Tao An – (sighs)You entrusted me with a mission of unity when you sent me to Rome but I failed. I can make it right but you will not even let me try.

Kao Hisn – Is that what drives you now? You feel you failed me or the people of Chin in some way? Tao An . . . (tries to console her)

Tao An – (brushes her off) I don’t need pity or condolences. Why won’t you teach me the Wisdom? Why won’t you use it yourself?

Kao Hsin – Did Carreau tell you I could?

Tao An – This isn’t about him. He has been teaching me everything you have asked but not the one thing that could allow me to truly . . . .

Kao Hsin – (cuts her off) Tao An, be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.

Tao An – Enough of this rhetorical nonsense!! Tell me why I am not worthy to know what you do!!

Kao Hsin – Because you think its rhetorical nonsense. Listen when I say this. By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond the winning

Tao An – How can you say that when your own mother took control and ruled in her husband’s stead. She protected a monster, knowing what he was to become and groomed someone else to destroy him because she would not!!

Kao Hsin – (sighs and stops what she is doing completely and looks straight at Tao An) Your first mistake is placing Lao Ma on a pedestal, idolizing her as if she was infallible. She had limitations and weakness and admitted as much. She was human and had faults and made mistakes as humans do. She was not all powerful but what power she had she used to try and make a difference. Lao Ma acted as she did not because she wanted glory or to be revered or renowned. She wanted Chin to be unified and its people to live in peace and without bloodshed. She knew Xena would play apart in the destiny of our homeland and Lao Ma did her part in making sure that came to pass. The Way of the Sage is to act but not to compete.

Tao An – (pleading) I just want to be great. To be worthy of our legacy, of your cause.

Kao Hsin – You don’t need to be great. (gently cups her face with both hands) You are wonderful, just the way you are.

Tao An tears away from Kao Hisn and leaves the room. She enters into a parlor. In the far corner she sees a cabinet. She walks over an opens it and sees the Book of Wisdom. She looks around to see if anyone is watching and knowing she is alone takes the book and exits the room. We pan out to see Eve in the far corner watching. We pan out a little farther and see Yang also watching.

Eve is startled as she notices Yang come in to stand beside her. Yang looks directly at her.

Yang – We all play apart in the destiny of the universe. Lao Ma acted as she did with your mother because she knew the warrior that would be reborn from the ashes of the warlord. Lao Ma played her part in the destiny of Xena as Lao Ma’s legacy continues to play a part in yours.


Cut to Eve who appears to be sleeping on the couch in her apartment above the centre. It is evening now and in the growing darkness James watches over Eve. Bobby walks into view and turns on a lamp. James blinks and looks up at Bobby who smiles.

Bobby – Just because Eve is taking a journey concealed in mystery doesn’t mean you need to watch over her concealed in the dark of night. It’s a little over dramatic and unnecessary.

James leans back and rubs his eyes. He looks at the window.

James – I didn’t realize it was that late. Is it your turn to watch over her?

Bobby – (nods as he sits down beside him) No change?

James – No. She’s never been under this long before. Time moves differently in the mind, what we interpret to be a lengthy amount of time could only be mere moments in reality. It's like a dream, experiencing a lifetime in and few hours.

Bobby – She is witnessing memories, events as if they were happening in real time. That would make this journey different, wouldn’t it?

James - (shrugs) I don't know. She's never done anything like this before

Bobby - I’ll admit though this is far beyond anything I’ve ever known. You know, I use to believe magic to be a law of nature, misunderstood by contemporary science, but I had never viewed it as being supernatural. But in the last few years I have seen things that can only be described as supernatural.

James – A lot to take in isn’t it.

Bobby- (smiles and nods, lost in his own memories) Serena never claimed to understand magic, she just knew it to be so. Her mother was the one who wielded it. Celeste was proud and dedicated to the legacy of all who came before her. Serena never wanted that for herself.

James – She never felt pressured by the legacy she was to uphold?

Bobby – Not at first but Celeste was always so hard on her, pushing her to accept her destiny, pushing that on our children. Serena pushed back wanting to protect our boys from the dangers of a demon hunters life. I just wanted to protect her from her mother, what I thought was the ramblings of a mad woman. And in the end our boys were driven into what we were trying to escape from in the first place. All those opposing forces tore our family apart.

James – Eve will bring Chris back. She can find a way.

Bobby - I hope you're right.

James gives Bobby's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. Bobby looks over a sleeping Eve


Fade a large room with a fireplace. There is elaborately carved furniture and painted walls with floral designs. Other walls display paintings. Next to the window there is a long wooden table. A 20 year old Tao An sits here scribbling furiously, making notes. Books are piled around her. Across from her Eve sits but this goes unnoticed. Carreau walks in. He sees Tao An and sighs as he rolls his eyes.

Carreau – Honestly. I’ve tutored you in science, math, literature, art, music and religion. You unlike other noble women your age have also had weapons and martial arts training. You’ve been given the best tutelage, the best training and you sit around with a bunch of dusty old books.

Tao An – (puts down her quill calmly and looks up at Carreau) I looked at my grandmother’s writings every day for years and they hold as much mystery to me now as they did before I even knew they existed. My own mother sat with them for less than a day and she mastered the wisdom. My aunt didn’t even need the book, her bloodline was enough. I am of the same blood, the same will, what makes me less deserving of the power? (scoffs) So I am looking for other ways. (gestures to the books around her) These men and women have all achieved greatness. I’m learning how they did it.

Carreau – Well I can tell you one thing, they didn’t sit around all day reading about it. They got up and made it happen.

Tao An – That’s just it! Some act, others say don’t! Some say be passive, others say fight! Which is the right way and which is the wrong way?

Carreau – (looks at the books she is reading and flings them off the table) You’re looking at saints! You will never achieve what they have! You will never be like them.

Tao An, shocked by the level of venom in his voice can only stare back

Carreau – They all preach perfection but no one can be perfect. No one will ever be able to attain that state of grace and those saints know it! They know that they are the only ones that will able to be look into the face of divinity and they flaunt it! Why are you even bothering to try?

Tao An – Because

Carreau – (leans across the table and speaks to her with loathing) You don’t even know what you want or why you want it.

Tao An – (exasperated) I want to be great!

Carreau – You are nothing. Nothing more than flesh and bone.

Suddenly Tao An screams violently. She stands up and flips over the table and pushes him away! She reaches down and grabs a quill and stabs it into Carreau’s chest. He stumbles back in shock


Eve stands up in shock. She looks on in horror at Tao An. Tao An stands there breathing heavily but it is not in horror or shock at what she has done. It’s from exhilaration. Carreau stands there and looks at the quill sticking out of his chest. He pulls it out. There’s no blood. He looks up at Tao An.

Carreau – You just stabbed me. You should be shaking with fear but you're empowered. Tao An, I don’t want to stand in your way. I want to help you on your way.

Eve watches the interaction between Tao An and Carreau. Yin and Yang stand beside them. Tao An turns from Carreau and leans against the wall, looking out the window. When she speaks again it is dangerously quiet

Tao An - Do you know what it’s like to born into a family of legends. Good, evil, it didn’t matter, each one of them made their mark on this land. They are known, they will be remembered. I’ve had the stories of their lives ingrained in me since I was small child. Fear the Green Dragon. Honour the Weak One. The Hawk and the Dove. What am I? What can I amount to? I will never be what they were. I cannot even understand the faded writings of a dead woman. I had the chance once. I could have been the one that unified two great empires. But I failed.

Carreau – You will never achieve the greatness you desire by learning how others have done it. You must go out and forge your own way.

Tao An – I’m tired of all this, of all the opposition, all the failure! I should just fade away into nothingness and let the world consume me. I had hoped I could make a difference once, to hear my name on the people’s lips. But it is all a waste of time. Hope is dead.

Carreau – And now you’re free.

Tao An turns around and looks at Carreau in confusion. She shakes her head and turns back to the window.

Carreau - Losing all hope is freedom. Hope is what has trapped you all these years. Be a little better, fight harder, be smarter, more pure, more pious . . .

Eve looks surprised. She knows these words. These are her thoughts

Carreau - And possibly you might obtain a glimmer of the greatness that made the legends that came before. But even then you will never be as great as them. It’s time to let those ideals and perceptions go. Let hope die. You have a choice Tao An. Making that choice begins with deciding what it is you want. Tell me Tao An.

There is no sound for a short time. Finally Yin moves away and Yang places her hand upon Tao An’s shoulder. Quickly and decisively Tao An turns around.

Tao An – I want the world to know that I am the one that rules their fate.

Carreau – It will not be easy. Can you surrender yourself to a greater power?

Tao An – (nods resolutely) Yes.

Carreau – Then let us begin.

Eve – NO!!

There is a great flash of light


As the flash dies away Eve blinks as her eyes adjust. She finds herself in a familiar temple. It is the Temple of the Chakram. She looks around as she moves forward but stops suddenly when she sees a figure standing at the altar. This woman is dressed in blue robes, a blue scarf hanging loosely on her head. She is an older woman, one that Eve has not seen before but there is something very familiar about her.

From the other end of the temple an older Asian woman enters. She is dressed all in black, her dark hair, streaked with grey, is tied up in a bun. Eve knows this is Tao An. Tao An saunters over to Blue Robed woman. Tao An smiles slyly.

Tao An – Do you know where the legendary Chakram came from? (walks over to the other side of the altar) When Pangu set about the task of creating the world: He swung his giant axe and split everything into two. Thus was created earth and sky, male and female, light and dark . . . good and evil. But as he continued to split the universe he struck something and it broke his axe apart. In two pieces, the axe soared through fire and water, light and dark, good and evil and from it the light and dark chakrams were created. Do you know what Pangu struck when he made the world?

Woman – Choice.

Tao An - (chuckles softly and agrees) Choice. Unbreakable and incorruptible. Neither good nor evil. (looks at the empty alter) But the chakrams are gone now, taken by Xena and their power neutralized. Who knows where it is now.

Woman – (smiles softly and she looks intently at Tao An) Buried, hidden away.

Tao An – (curious) Why do you look at me so?

Woman - Because I remember a time when you were not as you are now, when you were full of life and hope. I am trying to see if that girl is still there within you.

Tao An – Do I know you? (moves around the altar to face the woman) Those eyes . . . yes, I remember those eyes . . . (breaks into a smile as she remembers) Livia. . . . Oh! My apologies. I mean Eve.

Eve gasps as she looks at her own self. A vision of what’s to come in a vision of what has passed. She looks on in awe as the older version of herself speaks with an older Tao An.

Eve – Hello Tao An

Tao An – So the rumors are true. Eve the Messenger of Eli used to be Livia of Rome. (moves around her to circle the altar again) So what is a supposed saint doing in the temple of a mystical weapon?

Eve - I heard you were coming here . . . seeking the remnants of power I suppose?

Tao An – You came all this way to see me? Should I be flattered?

Eve – I know of the things you’ve done since you’ve left Rome, the suffering you’ve caused and experienced.

Tao An – Just forging my path.

Eve – Paving it with blood?

Tao An – (proud) And sweat and tears. (sighs) Have you come to reform me “Saint” . . . is that why you’re here?

Eve – Maybe I have a guilty conscious.

Tao An – Over what?

Eve – Over what I did, the way I betrayed you. The memory shames me.

Tao An – (softly chuckling) So you’ve come for absolution? . . . (shrugs) You’re forgiven. I don’t care. I haven’t cared for a long time. I haven’t thought about you for a long time.

Eve – Somehow I don’t believe you. That one mistake changed the course of your life forever. Alfidia and I set you up, ruined your life and reputation. Put you on a path of darkness and despair. You must despise me.

Tao An – What are you talking about? You didn’t ruin my life. You just had me sent home. That was a long time ago. That was the past and I let it go in order to embrace the future.

Eve – A future that has consisted of tapping in to the shier naked will behind all suffering?

Tao An – You could not even begin to grasp the things I’ve learned. With feelings tied to thoughts even an empath can channel and physically damage someone with their own anger or desperation.

Eve – I know the things you’ve done, the crimes that you have committed and I cannot help but think I drove you to that.

Tao An – Do not insult me by reducing me to a set of influences. I made the choice. Respect that I am a responsible being, capable of owning what I’ve done.

Eve – But why do it at all?

Tao An – Let me ask you. . . how have you come to know of all I’ve done?

Eve – Tales of twisted acts have spread across the land. Acts of such heinous and insidious evil . . . The tales are associated with a dark figure and a nameless malevolent force.

Tao An - (laughs wickedly) That’s why. They will say it was I that did those great things. Terrible things yes, but also great.

Eve – (shakes her head) No one but me knows it’s you. Visions of late have shown me the little girl I let down so long ago and I realized that it was you. Many years ago I heard you had fallen into black magic and cults. It never occurred to me that you chose that path simply for recognition, for glory.

Tao An – I want to command the fate of all and when my destiny is complete, everyone will know it was me.

Eve – When all are dead and gone, it won’t matter.

Tao An – (smirks) In the very last agonizing moments of life it will.

Eve doesn’t say anything. She looks upon Tao An with sadness and pity.

Tao An – (sneers) You look down at me, demonizing me for what I’ve done when Livia’s acts still echo across the lands. Or have you forgotten?

Eve – I’ve never forgotten. I will never let it go.

Tao An – That’s you problem. I have finally stepped out of the shadow of the legacy of my family. But you are still overpowered by all that was. The Bitch of Rome who was as chaotic as Callisto. As Eve, they all say you never could match the force that was your mother Xena, so you try to preach like Eli, as if being his Messenger erases the wickedness that was Livia. I have become my own person. What are you?

Eve – (smiles)The sum of all my parts. A tapestry. None of us are self made. We don’t accomplish anything in this world alone. Whatever happens is the result of all the weaving from individual threads, from one to another, creating something. We are not that different Tao An.

Tao An – (sneers) We are the opposite side of the same coin maybe.

Eve – No Tao An. Evil, as well as good, are part of who all of us are. All of us are created and called good and all of us are fallen and capable of evil. Some of us are capable of more evil than others. The line between good and evil runs through every human heart. I was not beyond redemption and neither are you.

Tao An – If only there was something to re-deem.

Eve – (sighs) I see we are not going to agree. A warning then. This will not turn out the way you want it to. As is his nature, he will rob you of what you desire most, the very desire he has used to manipulate you to bring about his own ends.

Tao An – (smirks) So what now, do we fight until one of us spills blood?

Eve – If we truly are on opposite sides then our fight is endless. Even beyond death, those who come after me will battle on as I have. But it will not be with swords, or fists.

Tao An – Our fight will end Eve but it is not today. Not yet. You are right about one thing, our fight will go on, even beyond our death.

Eve looks at Tao An confused.

Tao An – And yet one more thing I know that you do not. (chuckles as she walks away from the altar )

Eve – (calls out as Tao An leaves) To call her evil is not to exempt ourselves from the obligation to love her. If our enemies are hungry, we should feed them; if they are thirsty, we should give them something to drink. Instead of being overcome by evil, we should overcome evil with good.

Tao An smiles as she turns around. She pulls a book from her cloak and sets it upon the altar

Tao An – A gift for you. My grandmother’s book. You might understand it better than I. I have heard about you too Eve. You change people. From the highest king to lowest man, wicked people have changed simply because you’ve loved them. A healing touch, a wise word, you are the foundation upon which fair and compassionate empires are built. And yet many years from now no one will even know you existed. How can you possibly stand it?

Eve – Because I am not doing it to be known.

Tao An – (scoffs) Maybe it’s because God shines on the just and unjust alike that you can love evil doers. You look at their evil as a human evil. But you do not make that mistake with me. You are right to demonize me. I’ve surrendered myself to a greater power.

Tao An swiftly turns around and walks out of the temple. Eve watches her until Tao An is out of sight. Eve picks up the book and walks towards the other Temple entrance.

With the book in her hands the Older Eve walks right through the Younger Eve. The Older Eve stops for a moment and looks back. The Younger Eve slowly turns around and looks at her past and her future. The older Eve looks straight at the younger Eve. She gives a small smile then turns around and walks out the entrance.

Alone now Eve shudders. As she turns back to the altar and finds both Yin and Yang standing in almost the exact same places as Eve and Tao An were.

Eve – (walks over to the altar) Our fight will go on, even beyond our death. . . She knew even then that we would continue on fighting even 2000 years in the future. (looks at both Yin and Yang) Have you orchestrated this whole thing? Played out our lives, moved us around like pieces on a chess board? Is this some sort of game to you?

Yang and Yin look at Eve confused. She steps up on the altar.

Eve – From the moment I started this quest I’ve seen you, both of you. I may not understand who you are, or why you’re here or why I’m the only one who can see you but you’ve been a part of this from the start. (looks at Yang) It was only when you touched Tao An that she made the wrong choice.

Yang – You are insinuating that we have been controlling you, manipulating your lives and influencing events.

Eve – Insinuating? No. I’m out right saying it.

Yin – The wheel of fate . . .

Eve – Shut up! Just stop it! I am sick of this. People turning up and vanishing again, moving through time, people moving through me, all this cryptic . . . . (can't find the words) If you’ve got something to say . . .say it!

Yin – (forcefully he speaks, startling Eve) You came here to find the truth, to discover the choices made!

Yang – We are simply a reflection of choice. The representation of choosing one way or another.

Eve – She wants Lucifer’s kind of notoriety so Tao An chose this life, this path. That’s why she is so important to Lucifer. (realizes) That’s what makes her unbeatable. She can’t be influenced or manipulated. She’s unbreakable and incorruptible. She made a choice on her own because this is what she wants!

Yang – Love will not change her.

Yin – She has already seen the light and rejected it.

Eve – How can a human being become so evil, to choose something like this of their own freewill?

Yin – Her evil is not a human kind of evil.

Yang – For she has sold her soul. Not for riches, not out of desperation, not out of revenge. She simply wants to see the world burn and for it to be known that she did it.

Eve – How can I stop her? Is she just like every other demon? Do I just cut off her head and send her back to hell?

Yang – That is up to you

Yin – For that choice has not yet been made.

Eve – But what if I make the wrong choice?

Yin – Choice is not right or wrong

Yang – Only the results

Eve sighs and leans on the altar. She looks from the light side to the dark side of the altar.

Yin – Much information has been shown today.

Yang – Take into account all you’ve seen and heard. It will inform your choice

Eve nods and pushes herself away from the altar

Yang – You came here looking for answers

Yin – Have you found the answers you’ve sought?

Eve – Yes.


Cut to Eve’s apartment with a close up of Eve’s sleeping face. Her eyes flutter open as if she has woken up from a dream. It is now morning. Sun shines through the blinds lighting the whole apartment. Eve swings her legs off the couch and sets them on the floor. She sits there is silence assimilating everything she’s learned. Natalie enters from the bathroom and notices Eve.

Natalie – Eve! You’re awake! . . . (senses a change in Eve) What did you see?

Eve – The truth. (stands up) We’ve got a lot of work to do.

Fade to black

Executive Producer
Alexandra Clarke

Resident Artist
Damar Willis