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So, Just Who Are These Guys, Anyway?

At the core of the Manoucheri band are two brothers, Dave and Adam Manoucheri.  Guitar players, singers and songwriters, each brings their own unique style to the creative table.  Existing for many years as The Nine O'Clock Blues Band, with their latest release a name change was felt necessary, since they are not strictly a "blues band."

The elder brother, Dave, is a photo journalist by trade (besides a guitar player of course), NNPA's News Photographer of the Year for 2001!  He's obviously an excellent photographer and producer, but he has guitar playing abilities to match....  He brings a fresh spontaneity and an excellent melodic feel to the music, quite present on the new album, along with his wonderful songwriting skills.  The founder of the group, he played with many bands in the Omaha area before deciding to break away and finally play what he wanted.  A chance meeting with a drummer named John Wells put in motion a chain of events leading to the formation of The Nine O'Clock Blues Band, and ultimately Manoucheri.

Dave's younger brother Adam shares the guitar playing, singing, and songwriting duties.  He is one of the few legal drug dealers in the music business (a pharmacist), but only to support his music habit.  In addition to his usual duties, on the new album he played the bass and organ parts on all the tracks, along with drums on 6 of the 12 tracks (ain't the studio wonderful?).  He joined his brother in The Nine O'Clock Blues Band while still in high school, continuing into college through today in Manoucheri.  For a brief time he filled in as drummer for the Heartland Renegades band, and still makes a cameo now and then....  Speaking of drumming, for the additional tracks Dave and Adam called on a dear friend and longtime bandmate, John Wells to step in.  The drummer in The Nine O'Clock Blues Band, he was the obvious choice to help complete the final tracks.

So, now that you know who Manoucheri is, don't you think it's about time you listened to them?  You can find some more information about the new album, The Blind Leading The Blind (including the ability to purchase it) here.  To listen to some samples from the album, check out our site here.

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