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This is the Street Crew minus two because they weren't there for the picture. We are a little group of friends. From left to right we are "Gail," "Cristy," "Josh," "Ed," "James," and "David." We are not a gang for all you close minded people. We are just friends with common interest. Each little introduction is exactly that "little". If you wanna find out more go the more personalized pages. Most of the pages are still underconstruction so you'll have to wait for them.

Josh Rice

Rat-a-tatI am the great creator of this page, but yet only one of the great ones on this page. I am the one they call Rat-a-tat Rice. I am the enforcer, the co-counsil, and artist of the Street Crew. My e-mail address is

Josh Brown

"Hey all you pathetic losers. I'm the founder and president of the street crew and your candyass will praise me, and if you give me any lip, me and my Street Crew will beat your ass no matter what yo mama says." Really we let him think he is the leader to make him feel good. He also came up with the idea but me and P.D.P are the real brains behind the whole thing. His special moves are the "Iron maiden," the "smack attack," and the "death sleeper." E-mail me at

Wanna be nigga

Edward Hernandez

This sexy bitch is Edgula or the "Phantom Penis." Ed is currently in Iraq serving in the Marines. Ed is the youngest one of us all. "Hey! I am the person they call Ed! I am THE big deal YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME (No Men Allowed). If you like to know more write me at His special move is the "Edigree."

James Parsons

When you think of great wrestling technichians, you think of people like Bret "The Hitman" Heart, Chris Bennoit, & Dean Malenko. When you think of great crusier weights, you think of people like Rey Mysterio Jr., Billy Kidman, & Jeff & Matt Hardy. Well now a new great technichian is coming, a new great cruiser weight is coming. His name, James Parsons, but you will now him as Paradox. Paradox is one half of a great tag team of him and his brothere David, he is the mat technichain of the Street Crew he is also one of the great high flyers. With such a mix style of wrestling, Paradox will achieve great status some day. His special move is a double-underhook driver (most of you know it as a "pedigree" used by WWF's Triple H, but to Paradox it is the "Complex". My e-mail address is

David Parsons

This is the Frog. I am the only half-way smart person here so for all the midgets and psyco people who where seriously offened just remember that no midgets are the rest of you stupid people where not offended. Plus this disclaimer removes us from any legal action that you might take. Just remember that we all in Arkansas are plagued with hicks and so thus we are driven insain. Don't worry, in many many year once we have left this hick infested land, but if you are a hick remember its your stupidity that keeps us going, no offence intended but if some was taken oh well your not special like the stupid little midgets of the world. The psyconess will leave us, till then you still have to listen to our miandering thoughts that have absolultly no coherence or meaning. Glad to have listened. Hey shut up fred. I'm talking now. Quiet who wants to listen to you. I said shut up. No I'm in control. I'm in control. I'm in control. I'M IN CONTROL. Thats what you think he he he he he he he he he he he he. Quite. His special move is the "Peoples Frog leg." My e-mail address is

Matt Rice

Here is Matt Rice His name is Limp Cookie. No his cookie is not limp that is just his name. We have decided on his job. He is to be our enforcer and muscle. He will enforce all of our rules upon those who wish not to obey them. He is a football player. His special move is the "cookie cutter" and the "Two Cookie." His e-mail address is

Gail Hicks

Here is the first offical female of the group Gail Hicks. She is know as "Crackshot". She is also one the second generation members of the street crew. Her finisher is the chicken spreader, which is a move that all men hate to see or have forced on them. Her job is to basically keep the pimp in line and to take care of any of his ho's who need to be tought a lesson. Her e-mail address is

Cristy Hernandez

Cristy is known as the eleventh wonder of the world. Cristy is the official spokesperson of the Street Crew. She is a great person to hang out with. Check out her page and learn more. Her e-mail address is

Well that is all of us. If you want to know more about us go to our own individual pages or e-mail us.

Pictures of the Street Crew in their own environment.

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Last updated 1/21/09