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Species List

Lately, we at CRift Creations have noticed an increasing amount of confusion about the races of fantasy. so, we decided to show what we base our fantasy system on.
Note: We're too lazy to mention the females of all the races. we might later.

Average Lifespan:
Average *I.Q.:
Average Height:
Average Weight:
Average **Strength:
Average Speed:
Species required:

Name: Human
Average Lifespan: 70
Average *I.Q.: 100
Average Height: 6'0"
Average Weight: 200lbs
Average **Strength: 150lbs
Average Speed: 12mph
Species required: None
Background: the mortal human is the most common of all the species. the human race is average in just about every way.

Name: High Elf
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 200
Average Height: 6'3"
Average Weight: 60lbs
Average **Strength: 150lbs
Average Speed: 30mph
Species required: Human/Angel
Background: all Elves are immortal, but High Elves were the longest living, most intelligent and best looking of all the species in all of the fantasy realms. they are so light they can walk across snow like solid rock, they can run at incredible speeds and can jump ten feet without any running start at all. they're also hawk-eyed, and when they have a bow and arrow, they can be quite devastating.
Elves are superior to humans in almost every way, but they do have one drawback: the average Elf has one kid every two hundred years. the average human has one kid every three years... strength in numbers.

Name: Dark Elf
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 180
Average Height: 6'5"
Average Weight: 60lbs
Average **Strength: 200
Average Speed: 24mph
Species required: Human/Demon
Background: A lot like the high Elf, but they spend a lot less time talking to animals and a lot more time fighting, weight lifting and plotting.

Name: Tree/Water Elf
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 190
Average Height: 6'1"
Average Weight: 55lbs
Average **Strength: 130lbs
Average Speed: 23mph land/40mph tree/water
Species required: Druid Human/Angel
Background: a lower class of Elf, but still extremely dangerous.

Name: Fire/Sky Elf
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 190
Average Height: 6'3"
Average Weight: 55lbs
Average **Strength: 130lbs
Average Speed: 25mph
Species required: Human/Demon
Background: also a lower class Elf, but still far superior to humans.

Creature unique to CRift Creations. Copyright protected.
Name: Humiod (Hue-Mi-Odd)
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 200
Average Height: 8'0"
Average Weight: 280lbs
Average **Strength: 1500lbs
Average Speed: 40mph
Species required: Human/Elf/Angel/Demon/Datean
Background: Humiods, the ultimate creation of humanity. the Humiods were created to defend the human race from an alien invasion in the tenth realm. genetically modified and specially bred to create the ultimate warrior, the Humiod ranks were unstoppable. unfortunately there were too few, too late. the humans in the tenth realm were completely eradicated before the Humiods could stop the Oknids.

Creature unique to CRift Creations. Copyright protected.
Name: Datean (Day-She-An)
Average Lifespan: 70
Average *I.Q.: 100
Average Height: 6'0"
Average Weight: 200lbs
Average **Strength: 150/400
Average Speed: 12/25
Species required: unknown
Background: the Dateans were a secretive race, their anger could multiply their strength, speed and mana. their bones we saught as the prize handle for swords and axes because some of this mysterious power would be transferred to the weilder. the Dateans are nearly extict and luckily for them: look exactly like regular humans.

Name: Dwarf
Average Lifespan: 600
Average *I.Q.: 80
Average Height: 4'8"
Average Weight: 240lbs
Average **Strength: 300lbs
Average Speed: 8
Species required: Human
Background: Cave dwellers. toughened through years of nonstop mining, shortened through years of crouching. a Dwarf is nothing more than a long lineage of humans that stayed in their mines too long, built cities, and made axes underground.

Name: Titan
Average Lifespan: unknown
Average *I.Q.: 90
Average Height: 25'0"
Average Weight: unknown
Average **Strength: massive
Average Speed: 30mph
Species required: Human
Background: the great Titan, might look like a human, but is something far more powerful. the Titans were first created when the Elves and humans were on friendly terms with each other, the Elves magically imbued a human. this woman gave birth to a son and he grew... he grew quite tall. and he also had an incredible amount of strength. the Titans were later rebuked because they had affiliation with the Elves. ever since, the Titans had lived at the far northen region of the Fantasy realms, no one quite knows how long they live.

Name: Orc
Average Lifespan: ???
Average *I.Q.: 45
Average Height: 7'0"
Average Weight: 300lbs
Average **Strength: 350lbs
Average Speed: 12mph
Species required: Human/Boar(a type of pig)
Background: a horrific sight. big, ugly and stupid. Orcs are a major pain to every adventurer. no one quite knows where they come from, no one quite wants to find out.

Name: Ogre
Average Lifespan: ???
Average *I.Q.: 10
Average Height: 9'10"
Average Weight: 600lbs
Average **Strength: 3000lbs
Average Speed: 30mph
Species required: Orc/Troll
Background: an even more ugly sight than an Orc. and even a single Ogre can wreak havoc on entire villages. they're so big their strides can carry them very far, very fast. they are also unbelieveably strong, and luckily very rare.

Name: Troll
Average Lifespan: ???
Average *I.Q.: 20
Average Height: 9'3"
Average Weight: 800lbs
Average **Strength: 750lbs
Average Speed: 20mph
Species required: None
Background: forged from the magic by the Dark Elves, they come from the mountains, and must hide in them, for if sunlight ever touches them, they return to the rocks from which they were made.

Name: Hunter
Average Lifespan: 60
Average *I.Q.: 0
Average Height: 8'3"
Average Weight: 1400lbs
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: 28mph
Species required: Bear/Human
Background: the Hunters are some sort of animal... but they must have some intelligence, seeing as how they equip themselves with spears and sometimes armor.

Name: Avian
Average Lifespan: 70
Average *I.Q.: 100
Average Height: 5'8"
Average Weight: 110lbs
Average **Strength: 90lbs
Average Speed: 8mph on land/60mph on air
Species required: Human/Great Eagle
Background: how the first Avian existed, no one knows, but the fact that there are winged people flying around out there is undeniable in the fantasy realms. although they're just like a normal human if you ignore their wings, they have a very distict fear of Nekos...

Name: Harpy
Average Lifespan: 35
Average *I.Q.: 100
Average Height: 5'6"
Average Weight: 120lbs
Average **Strength: 50lbs
Average Speed: 6mph on land/40mph on air
Species required: Human/Female Demon
Background: every Harpy is female, and every Harpy has one goal: control as many minds as possible. Harpies are beautiful, and have a wonderful voice, but they're vicious and evil. no one knows their true lifespan because once they're old and no longer beautiful they kill themselves.

Name: Neko
Average Lifespan: 50
Average *I.Q.: 120
Average Height: 5'7"
Average Weight: 100lbs
Average **Strength: 200lbs
Average Speed: 50mph
Species required: Human/Cat
Background: although the majority of Nekos are female, every once in a rare while a male is born. one of the major drawbacks about Nekos are that due to the feline genes, entire litters are born, and this is extremely dangerous to the mother.

Name: Menthar Dragon
Average Lifespan: 40,000
Average *I.Q.: 170
Average Height: 1018'7"
Average Length: 1583'3"
Average Weight: 20,000lbs
Average **Strength: ???
Average Speed: 70mph on land/412mph on air
Species required: Giant Lizard/Demon
Background: the English style Dragon, they come in many colors, breath fire, and love to hoard treasure inside their giant caves.

Name: Pynthar Dragon
Average Lifespan: 50,000
Average *I.Q.: 175
Average Height: 40'2"
Average Length: 3256'5"
Average Weight: ???
Average **Strength: ???
Average Speed: 20mph on land/362mph in sea
Species required: Giant Snake/Demon
Background: the Asian style Dragon. some people believed that the Pynthar Dragon was actually the Snake that Satan possessed in the Garden of Eden. in the fantasy realms however, there are many Pynthar Dragons(well, more than one), and the Pynthar Dragons were just as feared as the Menthar Dragons, but sailors were far more harsh when warning their kids about the sea Serpents...

Name: Drake
Average Lifespan: 150
Average *I.Q.: 0
Average Height: 9'4"
Average Length: 40'7" Average Weight: 422lbs
Average **Strength: 126lbs
Average Speed: Land: 11mph. Air: 333mph
Species required: Lizard/Dragon
Background: the Drake is a smaller Dragon, that has no front legs. the Drake was used quite often by the Sky Nights as horses were used by Royal Knights. Drakes are immune to most fires, but their rider is not. Drakes were easily trained and possessed great speed. they were the only trainable creatures capable of fighting a Daemon.

Name: Naga
Average Lifespan: 20,000
Average *I.Q.: 0
Average Height: 6'0"
Average Weight: unknown
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: Air: 30mph
Species required: Pynthar Dragon/???
Background: an unique type of dragon... no wings, and yet it can fly. unlike the drakes, they cannot be trained. unlike other dragons, they very rarely attack humans. they are very rarely seen outside of their lairs... another unusual thing about Nagas is; they live in packs. very strange creatures.

Name: Wyvern
Average Lifespan: 200
Average *I.Q.: ???
Average Height: 10'0"
Average Length: 40'2" Average Weight: 120lb
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: air: 300mph
Species required: Drake/Giant Bat
Background: the Wyvern is a much lighter version of the Drake. it doesn't need the muscle density to fly, because it doesn't have the usual Dragon armor. it's wings look more like a bat's. and it's tail has an arrow-head tip. not much is known about the Wyvern. except that they are very rare.

Name: Wurm (Wyrm, Worm)
Average Lifespan: unknown
Average *I.Q.: unknown
Average Height: 20'3"
Average Length: 1378'2" Average Weight: unknown
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: unknown
Species required: Pynthar Dragon/Naga
Background: the Wurm, a very large subteranian serpent. it digs to the center of the earth to lay it's eggs, and every time it does so, it creates a new Volcano.

Name: Angel
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 200
Average Height: 7'0" (without wings)
Average Weight: 30
Average **Strength: 500lbs
Average Speed: land: 60mph. air: 200pmh
Species required: none.
Background: a Heavenly creature, a single Angel is equal to three lesser demons, or one full Demon, and a single Arch Angel is equal to the Demon commanders.

Name: Arch Angel
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 300
Average Height: 7'0"
Average Weight: 25lbs.
Average **Strength: 800lbs
Average Speed: land: 80mph. air: 500mph
Species required: none
Background: a greater Angel, earned through thousands of years fighting the Demonic host.

Name: Sarafin
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 200
Average Height: unknown
Average Weight: unknown
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: unknown
Species required: none
Background: the Sarafin are Angels, but of another class. they possess six wings, two cover their face, two are used to fly, and two cover their feet. a Sarafin was believed to play the role as "the Angel of Death" during Exodus. legend has it, that the Sarafin cover their face because the sight of it is so terrifying/wonder that no human can survive it.

Name: Lesser Demon
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 150
Average Height: 8'0"
Average Weight: 300lbs
Average **Strength: 700lbs
Average Speed: land: 30mps. Air: 100mph.
Species required: none.
Background: a tormented creature from hell, the weakest of the Demonship, these creatures are bigger and stronger than Angels, but far, far less skilled in combat.

Name: Demon
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 170
Average Height: 10'9"
Average Weight: 600lbs
Average **Strength: 1200lbs
Average Speed: 60mph
Species required: none
Background: your standard foolish angel with insubordination. Deson and Darkee are both only this level.

Name: Greater Demon
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 195
Average Height: 12'4"
Average Weight: unknown
Average **Strength: demonic
Average Speed: demonic
Species required: none
Background: these demons were once some of the most beautiful and powerful angels in heaven, but their lust for power forced them to fall from heaven, shed their wonderful light and hide, forever from the forces of God.

Name: Daemon
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 170
Average Height: 9'0"
Average Weight: 200lbs
Average **Strength: 700lbs
Average Speed: Land: 60mph. Air: 150mph
Species required: None
Background: the Daemon, very rare and very deadly. Daemons can fly, unlike their bigger counterparts. Daemons carry large scythes instead of the standard Broad Sword, and can wreak havoc on even the strongest armies.

Name: Dremon
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 170
Average Height: 1'0"
Average Weight: 5lbs
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: unknown
Species required: none
Background: the Dremons are shapeshifters. they can pass as a human, or fight as a regular level Demon. the Dremon are also devided into three ranks, but instead of fighting for them, the Dremons have contests to see how many humans/Elves they can possess, and the winner recieves the pleasure of having however many living he controls attack everything they see...

Name: Succubus
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 175
Average Height: 5'8"
Average Weight: unknown
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: unknown
Species required: none
Background: The female Demon. they have four wings, two on their back, and two very small ones on their head. the mothers of the Hapies, and the fear of many.

Name: Centaur
Average Lifespan: 400
Average *I.Q.: 150
Average Height: 7'0"
Average Weight: 750lbs
Average **Strength: 400lbs
Average Speed: 35mph
Species required: Human/Horse
Background: Age old conflicts between the Humans and Elves might have spawned this abomination... the humans needed a strong archer/rider, so they made one. unfortunately, they also exiled them. humanity and their stupid racism... Centaur's are extremely smart, strong and fast, they could almost equal an Elf.

Name: Minotaur
Average Lifespan: 140
Average *I.Q.: 130
Average Height: 8'11"
Average Weight: unknown
Average **Strength: 600lbs
Average Speed: 15mph
Species required: Human/Bull
Background: like the Centaurs, these we created by some mad scientist working to fight the Elves. like the Centaurs, they were also exiled. in Greek mythology, the Minotaur was a great monstocity that was later trapped in a maze, and eventually killed.

Name: Basilisk
Average Lifespan: 14
Average *I.Q.: 0
Average Height: 2'6"
Average Weight: 5000lbs
Average **Strength: 200lbs
Average Speed: 4mph
Species required: Medusa Snake/Giant Lizard
Background: A giant rock lizard with an ability to move, an average, stupid animal. it's stare is paralizing, while it's bite is petrifying. the paralysis wears off... but only a very potent spell can cure the petrification.

Name: Golem
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 0
Average Height: ???
Average Weight: ???
Average **Strength: Depends on Type
Average Speed: Also Depends on Type
Species required: Depends on Type
Background: mindless minions, that will stop at nothing to do their master's bidding. they come in many forms, mainly rock.

Name: Gargoyle
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 129
Average Height: no averages
Average Weight: no averages
Average **Strength: no averages
Average Speed: no averages
Species required: none
Background: these castle guardians are stone by day, flesh by night. there are so many types of Gargoyles, that there couldn't possibly be an average. the makers of Gargoyles are also trained Wizards, who happened to stumble across the-well paying-profession.

Name: Undead
Average Lifespan: unknown
Average *I.Q.: 0
Average Height: no averages
Average Weight: 1 tenth the original
Average **Strength: no averages
Average Speed: 1 tenth the original
Species required: any
Background: like the Gargoyles, there are so many different types that there couldn't possibly be any averages. anyway, these summoned creatures of mass numbers are always stupid and slow, but posses great strength and their summoner's magical capabilities. usually a Necromancer's best friends.
The undead still have their body, while they have no soul or mind. the undead consist of many types, the weakest, the Zombie, wasn't mad at all when he died. the undead are made by their anger. the Zombie can be killed by a club to the head, while a Skeleton can take many hits. the Executioner, the Lich and the final undead would be the Ghoul, these relentless spugs are nearly unstoppable, you have to either find what made it so mad, or just burn all the flesh off and crush the bones.

Name: Lich
Average Lifespan: 400
Average *I.Q.: 0
Average Height: 5'8"
Average Weight: 22lbs
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: 4mph
Species required: Human/Demon
Background: a mindless mage of sorts, they act like Zombies, tirelessly hunting down the living, with a lust for warm blood. these cruel souls have the ability to cast "decrepify" on their victims. rendering them slow enough to catch up and drain their life right out of them. yes, they are a member of the undead, but they are also too unique to leave in a catagory.

Name: the Dead
Average Lifespan: unknown
Average *I.Q.: 100
Average Height: no averages
Average Weight: 0
Average **Strength: no averages
Average Speed: no averages
Species required: any
Background: the Dead, are the many forms of ghosts. like the undead, they become more powerful when they're angry. unlike the undead, these have no body, but consist of ONLY the mind and soul.
the basic ghost, the Lost Soul is more confused than angry. then it goes to ghost, then Specter, then Wraith. they get more and more angry. the Poltergeist, now THAT is a pissed off soul. the Dead remain the largest mystery of all the fantasy creatures.

Name: Banshee
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: unknown
Average Height: 5'4"
Average Weight: unknown
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: 20mph
Species required: unknown
Background: the mysterious Banshees are a type of screecher. like a Harpy or a Siren(which we know nothing about), but unlike the Harpies or Sirens: they are questioned to be a member of the Dead. they levitate, so it's a possibility, but they can also be slayed by a non-magical spear or arrow... and if you get close enough without losing your head(literally), a sword or a different close range weapon. Banshees also act like Liches: they suck the life force from their victims, Banshees show physical improvement by doing this, unlike a Lich.

Name: Imp
Average Lifespan: 20
Average *I.Q.: 130
Average Height: 3'0"
Average Weight: 25lbs
Average **Strength: 20lbs
Average Speed: 14mph
Species required: Human midget/Messenger Demon
Background: Imps are some sort of a demon, extremely weak, but extremely annoying, nontheless. they multiply by simply touching the bones of a human, one human body can spawn three Imps.

Name: Goblin
Average Lifespan: 30
Average *I.Q.: 60
Average Height: 4'3"
Average Weight: 40lbs
Average **Strength: 60lbs
Average Speed: 6mph
Species required: Human/Messenger Demon
Background: the basic Goblin... small, weak and stupid. these are not much more than an annoyance in small numbers, but they multiply even faster than the humans! they almost always stay in their caves, digging deeper and deeper into their hole to escape the light...

Name: Hobgoblin
Average Lifespan: 43
Average *I.Q.: 60
Average Height: 5'2"
Average Weight: 60lbs
Average **Strength: 80lbs
Average Speed: 6mph
Species required: Human/Goblin
Background: these are the children of raped human women. they tend to grow slightly bigger than Goblins, but are none the brighter. they usually end up leading a Goblin swarm, but only because they're bigger.

Name: Wisp
Average Lifespan: 20
Average *I.Q.: 70
Average Height: 3'8"
Average Weight: unknown
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: Air 40mph
Species required: Goblin/Giant Bee
Background: a flying Goblin, what's to explain?

Name: Great Eagle
Average Lifespan: 400
Average *I.Q.: 160
Average Height: 12'3"
Average Weight: 200lbs
Average **Strength: 800lbs
Average Speed: Air 360mph
Species required: Eagle/unknown
Background: a giant Eagle, born with almost unequalled intellect, and a mind with more honor than fear. which is nearly impossible to find, even in the fantasy realms. also, the Great Eagles have a tendancy to save humans... although sometimes the human is better left for dead.

Name: Roc
Average Lifespan: 400
Average *I.Q.: 0
Average Height: 24'6"
Average Weight: 400lbs
Average **Strength: 2000lbs
Average Speed: Air 200mph
Species required: Great Eagle
Background: the Roc, one of the mightiest of birds was often used as trasportation. they would carry large crates in their massive talons great distances and were fairly easy to train. they were invaluable to many kingdoms. although their talons made a great price, and are now nearly extinct.

Name: Gryphon
Average Lifespan: 1500
Average *I.Q.: 150
Average Height: 6'0"
Average Weight:
Average **Strength: 180lbs
Average Speed: 200mph
Species required: Lion/Great Eagle
Background: once again, mentioned in Greek mythology. these hybrids have the front half of an eagle, and the back half of a lion. making them powerful fliers and dangerous predators. they also have great intelligence, almost rivalling a Great Eagle.

Name: Merman
Average Lifespan: 90
Average *I.Q.: 105
Average Height: 6'4"
Average Weight: unknown
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: Sea: 32mph
Species required: Man/Fish
Background: Some men spend too much time in the water, and even worse is some of them devolop strange relationships with fish O_o. but lets not go there. anyway, these sunken citizens are the guardians of the sea, while having a unique hatred for regular humans, they also protect their less talented relatives. large "schools" of them have been known for hunting Pynthar Dragons as a type of revenge for taking down their hated relative's ships. why they have mixed feelings for humanity, no one may ever know.

Name: WereWolf
Average Lifespan: unknown
Average *I.Q.: 0
Average Height: 7'6"
Average Weight: unknown
Average **Strength: 600lbs
Average Speed: 36mph
Species required: Human/Wolf
Background: the WereWolfs were at one time, human. Werism is actually a disease called "Lycanthrope" that is transferred through saliva. it keeps the patient alive while physically altering them.

Name: Vampire
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 140
Average Height: 6'0"
Average Weight: 50lbs
Average **Strength: 500
Average Speed: 20mph
Species required: Human/Vampire Bat
Background: the Vampire, believed to be a member of the Undead... but it could also be a disease, like Lycanthrope. Vampires remain strong by sucking blood from normal humans, this can also transfer the "disease" to the victim. creating another Vampire. the Vampirism disease keeps the patient from dying, making them either alive and abnormal, or undead.

Name: Rik (Rich)
Average Lifespan: 30
Average *I.Q.: 0
Average Height: 10'0"
Average Weight: 1600lbs
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: 72mph
Species required: Dog/Lesser Demon
Background: a Rik is a demon dog, like a possessed train these things are nearly impossible to stop. weilding two heads, vicious claws and an insatiable hunger, Riks are a force to fear.

Name: Greater Rik
Average Lifespan: 6000
Average *I.Q.: 140
Average Height: 32'4"
Average Weight: 5800lbs
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: 267mph
Species required: Dog/Demon
Background: the Greeks once mentioned these monstrocities... the Guardian of Hades. although these probably couldn't stay still long enough to guard a squirrel hole, they are deadly enough to stand up to a Dragon. unlike their lesser cousins, these mutts sport three heads and three minds capable of casting demonic spells and curses. they also have a far larger stomach and it takes far more to feed it... they also have an insatiable desire to howl, which can get quite annoying-or scary-if you happen to be running from one.

Name: Ent
Average Lifespan: ageless
Average *I.Q.: 190
Average Height: 34'9"
Average Weight: unknown
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: 35mph
Species required: Oak Tree/Elves
Background: the Elven host once gathered to give life to a large number of trees, these trees later renamed themselves, calling themselves "Ents", the Elves, always wanting more things to talk to, continued making Ents until a battle with an Orc Horde that resulted in the loss of one of the Elven Kings, the king that had all the rituals required in memory. without the rituals, no more Ents could be made. the Elves later relocated to a different forest, and the Ents lived alone for thousands of years. few other than Elves ventured far enough into the forests to meet them.

Name: Medusa
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: unknown
Average Height: unknown
Average Weight: unknown
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: unknown
Species required: Gorgon/Demon
Background: Medusa was also mentioned by the Greek, looking in her eyes resulted in petrification. she had snakes for hair, and instead of legs a long tail, with a petrifying tip. she wandered the world looking for more people who would fall victim to her collection of statues.

Name: Gorgon
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 100
Average Height: unknown
Average Weight: unknown
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: 20mph
Species required: Snake/Human
Background: the Gorgons. snakish creatures ruled by Medusa, weaker than Medusa though... they cannot stare someone into petrification like their mother(?). but the tip of their tail is equally potent.

Name: Chimera
Average Lifespan: Ageless
Average *I.Q.: 0
Average Height: 10'2"
Average Weight: 1800
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: 75mph
Species required: Lion/Lesser Demon
Background: once more, a member of Greek mythology, but also, the Chimera was mentioned in the Bible(Revelations). the Chimera was a huge Lion with a snake head for a tail, and a cruel face of a man... or an Eagle. in the fantasy realms, the Chimera is about equal to a Rik.

Name: Fire Spouts
Average Lifespan: unknown
Average *I.Q.: 0
Average Height: 6'0"
Average Weight: unknown
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: 20mph
Species required: Spider/Lesser Demon
Background: these tarantula-like monsters do exactly as their name suggests: they cover enemies in a blanket of fire. this terrifying creature's greatest advantage is it's ability to cloak itself and lay ambush to it's prey. (excerps from Total Annihilation: Kingdoms)

Name: Orm
Average Lifespan: 33
Average *I.Q.: 0
Average Height: 1'8"
Average Weight: 15lbs
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: underground: 15mph
Species required: Worm
Background: when the Dark Elves decided to screw around with a worm, they didn't expect to create something like this. the Orms are a large worm with a shell-like cover over it. Orms can dig directly through concrete and most types of metal. the perfect stealth invasion force, no noise, simply holes.

Name: Giant Orm
Average Lifespan: 33
Average *I.Q.: 0
Average Height: 9'0"
Average Weight: unknown
Average **Strength: unknown
Average Speed: unknown
Species required: Orm
Background: the Giant Orm is a supersized version of an Orm, these things crawl acrosss land, and when provoked: shred even the toughest of Orcs. their shell is harder than rock and their speed is incredible. something even the Dark Elves wish were never created.

*Intelligence Quotient is balanced off of a 200 point scale.
**amount of weight the creature can lift five times.

if you would like more information about any creature here, or if you would like to know more about another fantasy creature, contact us and we'll add more information of what we know of that creature. 57
