
Rats are omnivores, which means they eat both plant and animal matter. Wild rats kill and eat insects, small animals and birds.(For this reason they should be kept away from other small rodents and birds.)

The best rat food by far is a product called "rodent blocks". Which are large, brown pellets made for rats, mice and other small rodents. If blocks are not available look for a fortified seed mix made especially for rats.

Supply you rats diet with daily servings of fresh fruits and veggies. These fresh foods supply enzymes and other nutrients that can be lost in processed foods. The best fresh foods are broccli, bok choy, kale, cooked sweet potato, bananas, apples, strawberries, chopped lettuce, diced cucumber, tomatoes. Offer a variety of fresh food to your rats.


Puppy chow,hamburgar, broccoli, carrots, bananas, grapes, apples, strawberries, baby food(chicken, lamb, beef, turkey, apples, bananas, pears, peaches), mango, watermelon, pineapple, Honeydew melon, cantaloupe, cooked pasta, hay, alfalfa, crackers,cereal, rice, soups, small pieces of meat, portion of a sandwich, mealworms, katydids, moths, caterpillars etc...


Carbonated drinks..like sodas..rats can't burp so it is not a good thing

Melted Cheese

Peanut Butter





Editors Note: I feed my rats mostly "rodent blocks" or "Square Meals". I also have a big container of gerbil/hamster/ray and mouse food, that I mix with the blocks into the bowl. I usually do this once a week and for the rest of the week I refill the blocks. For treats I give my rats small animal wafers, Dinos, Raviolios, rat yogurt drops, Loftys, Nibble Rings, Alfalfa Cubes, cereal

Most info taken form Critters USA by Fancy Publishing