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MoonWolf Clan

I recreated my clan from the people that are around me. I chose the few of you that are around to become a part of this clan for a reason. The reason is that each of you possess a gift whether it be leadership, magic, a fighting skill, or just caring for those around you. You all have proved to me that you all are good friends and that you care for what you believe in whatever it may be. I am proud to call you my friends and my family.

I dont have any rules except for two and that is if you see other members of this clan respect who they are and help them if they need the help or ask for it. This clan is made up of memebers of other clans. I dont ask you to give up what you already have because I ask you to join MW. All I ask is that if it is all possible that we can atleast meet once in while just to see how we all are doing. I am not the king of this clan. We are all equal in this clan. I dont want to be treated like a king either. We are a group of people who I think want to try to make a difference.