Welcome to the Wonderful World of ID!

Four things you should know about me before you continue:

Here's what you can see

My Body of Werks...
Stuff About me...
Stuff That I Like...
Crap (Stuff I Don't Like)...
My Ass Hole Cousin's Site (AKA the Ego Site)...

The Origin of the ID
Freud, the world famous psychologyst, and admitted heroin addict, believed that the human peprsonality was made up of three basic structures; The Ego, the Super-Ego, and the Id. The Super-Ego is the source of logical thought. It is where our morals, and beliefs are kept, and also the "voice of reason". The Id is the source of all of man kind's wants and desires; animal, vegetable, and mineral. The Ego is the mediator between the two; balancing our wants and desires with the rules and morals tought to us by society.

After one night of heavy drinking, I was having a conversation with one of my friends. We were talking about how the years of disappointment, loneliness, and masturbation had diminished my ego almost entirely. It was soon after when he bet me one dollar that I couldn't materialize my ID. Well, I won, but after I woke up the next day I realized what I had done, and tried to de-materialize my ID.

After many hours of trying to make him go back into my head, I finally gave up. Now that little bastard just sits at my house all day eating, drinking Pepsi, watching porn, and playing with my stereo and computer. Every once in a while he'll follow me when I go to a friend's house, where he proceeds to run around spouting off whatever comes into his sick little mind, and antagonizing everyone around him.

Lucky for him, this whole situation amuses me. Otherwise I would find myself an old priest and a young priest and I'd exercise the little fruit.

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