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About Me

          Me? Well, let me see. What could I possibly say about myself that would set a realistic picture of myself in your mind. I guess that the picture above helps with I look on the outside, but what about how I look on the inside? I consider myself a passionate man, more of an idealist than a realist, and quite the dreamer. But that is what the problem has been, I have done so much dreaming without trying to make those dreams come true. That is why I started this organization, to bring people from all over the world together to make all our dreams of a better world come true. Our dreams have laid dorment for much too long, it is time to bring them to life.
          It is up to us to grab a hold of our dreams and run with them as far as we can. The world is not going to get better unless we take a stand and make it so.
         I have been fortunate in that I have had the opportunity to go many places and do many things, while many people I know haven't even left their own state or country. I have been to Switzerland and hiked through the Swiss Alps, camping at high altitudes and eating whatever food we could cook ourselves. I have been to France and biked from Paris to Nice, and from there flew to Spain and stayed in the beautiful town of Salamanca. I have driven through most of Italy and cruised through the Greek islands. I have visited the beautiful beaches of Portugal and swam in the cool waters of Venezuela. Many a time I have sailed through the beautiful islands of the Carribean and climbed the exotic Mayan temples of Mexico. I have toured across the US and parts of Canada. All of these trips and adventures have allowed me to see much of the world and the potential it has to become one of love and harmony.
To find out more about me you will have to chat with me. You have to consider that I am talking about myself so some of this information may be biased and one sided. Email me with any questions or comments, or you can leave a message on our message board.
