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For those of you who are not well knowledged in the Dragons tongue, That is
a way to say "welcome". My name is "Battlecat" and you are more than welcome
to my site. Here you will learn all about the arts and the beliefs of dragons.
I do not refer to dragons as the evil winged beasts that flew all over the
English country side and was slain by crazed knights on horseback, but the
dragons that live with us and guide us through everyday problems that
occur. They are the wind and the rain. They are the spirits of nature and
the powers of the universe and elements. When one comes to recognize what
are and where dragons reside, a world of energy is open to the. In this
I hope to help you on the rode to discover them and maybe discover your
own selves as well. It is quite a journey and a long one at that. I know.

Following the buttons below will take you thru a very short trip of the 12
year practice that I have been through. I have put the buttons in an order
that is best to follow. That is if you are ready to walk the path
Of the dragons. "THE CODEX" is all about the laws that we follow and a
good place to understanding the path. "THE DRAGONS" will teach you
about the dragons, their gifts to man and Earth. "THE INNER TEMPLE"
will take you into the arts that we use to create
peace and strength in
our world. "TRAINING" will teach you how to care for your body and mind.
The last two buttons will tell you a little about myself and a list of
movies and shows that I recomend to Pagan families Just a little thing
that I have been working on.

Naturally you will not be able to learn everything here on this site. But it
is a good starting point. Dragon Wicca is a VERY personal belief and way of
life and what I might tell you, will not work for you. You may find your own
dragons and way of life. And I hope you do. Because that is what life is all
about, individuality.
So let us begin out journey, OK?

"my skin color is different
because Alaha enjoys great variety"
Morgan Freidman
Robin Hood, prince of thieves