you suck and that's sad

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    - Pics of Us [April 01 2002]
    - Special Celebrities [June 18 2001]
    - Pictures of our Pets [July 23 2001]
    - Special Holidays [December 2000]

  • The Links Page [June 18 2001]
    - Dana's Links [July 16 2001]
    - Theresa's Links [June 2001]
    - Lesley's Links [June 2001]

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    - Polls [July 22 2001]
    - Horoscopes [July 22 2001]
    - Journal [September 21 2001]
    - Conversations [Aug. 24 2001]

    -The Official Lazy Ass Crew Link [September 21 2001]
    -The Gay Page [September 21 2001]

Hades says "thanks for stopping by!"

Todays thought by: Theresa
"If you can't beat 'em, try using a bigger stick."

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