It's the end of the world as we know it.
I feel The current mood of NancyD007 at

Dona's Dawdling

June 7, 2005
I updated the list of quotations.

May 30, 2005
To prom, or not to prom? If you're bored, then I strongly recommend going to this very amusing site: Jay Barnes

May 18, 2005
Star Wars Episode III opens at midnight! Well, I'm not a huge Star Wars fan so I intend to see the movie on Saturday. Yes, I can wait.

April 30, 2005

April 20, 2005
New poll because I'm in a musical mood and I'm about to read a biography of Stephen Sondheim. By the by, the full title of the first choice is A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. Here are the lyrics of Into the Woods, my favorite Sondheim: Libretto

April 9, 2005
Although the new poll is shallow, at least it is new.

April 2, 2005
Above are some photographs from my birthday party last weekend. Bask in their glory.

March 21, 2005
Because I saw Spamalot last Friday, this week's poll is about those charming, leading knights.

March 11, 2005
My dad recently bought gelato. It's not the same as the kind that I ate everyday when I was in Italy over the summer, but it was still good.

February 22, 2005
I hope that you are all enjoying the week off from school. In the meantime, you must check out Zimmerfidget to see Adam's promotional video for Bronx Science.

February 6, 2005
Because I may force Sciffie to watch The 10th Kingdom, I was wondering which was your favorite part. A pox on you if you haven't seen it!

February 1, 2005
I received a complaint in regards to my lack of updates. (Ahem, ahem, Francesca) There! I updated! Are you happy now? I added some new quotations and I will change the poll next week.

January 22, 2005
Pictured above is my Italian class bowing down to my will. Mwahahaha. Ha.
The second term approaches--finally!

January 2, 2005
Happy new year. The photographs above are from Anthony's CYI (Chinatown Youth Initiative) dinner last Wednesday.
I updated the quotations and because my little notebook is damaged beyond repair, I must purchase a new one today.

December 19, 2004
Yes, I'm finally updating my site. Give me a break, I've been busy and melancholic.

December 1, 2004
Toby sent me the following e-mail:

Dear Donatello/a: Although you might have been named after some really good artist (as denoted by the creative spelling of your name while also making it an adjective), your attention to detail is somewhat behind that of the original Donatello. You see, the last quote on the 2004-2005 page is wrong. I am misquoted and am deeply hurt. I was not asking a question at all. In actuality, I was stating it as a fact. Thus, I demand the question mark be turned into an exclamation mark or a period. Furthermore, due to the great deal of embarrassment I endured, I demand a hand written apology, but I'll allow you to type it. See that's my generosity shining through. As you can probably tell, I am procrastinating doing my college essays/homework/talking to the parents. When I finish filing this complaint, I will undoubtedly be forced to endure all three painful tasks simultaneously.

With much , I take my leave.
Your truly,

Toby S

I changed it, Toby. Are you happy now? Geez.


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