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What if the Hokey Pokey is really what it's all about??

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Shawn, the love of my life!

I met Shawn on-line October 10, 2000, and met in person on October 12, 2000 at the Stony Brook Rail Road Station, on my way home from work and him on his way home from college to NYC.

After a few days, we started to hang out, and after that more developed past a friendship.

We have been partners now for over 2 years and look foward to many more years together. The picture to the left was taken in July 2001 at Six Flags-Great Adventure in New Jersey.


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Family & Friends Photo Album

Click on the picture below to see my family, friends and other cool stuff.

My Brother Greg

My Mom, Alice

My late Grandfather Bill & Grandmother Regina

My Sister, Amy Beth

Paul & Shawn

My late Great-Grandma, Alice

The Dutchess, Kathy

Shawn & Speilberg

Paul & John Paul

I didn't vote for him!

Remember Matthew