good day.

sometimes we need to be thoughtful, sometimes we need to be bitter, and sometimes we just need to be silly.

with that, enjoy.

Thought for today:

I think I should be able to implant an electronic device in those people I personally despise, so that every time they act like assholes to me, I can press a SHINY RED BUTTON and they will be hit with a teeth-jarring electric shock to the central nervous system, the length of which depending upon how long I held the button. How about it, science?

pick your demon.

i'm mildly amused. more, please.

"and you are...?"




other stuff:

click here to learn more about my wonderous college, moravian.

angry? confused? gaseous? email.

this site created 11.22.2001 for entertainment purposes only. all contents copyrighted by wag.