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New Yorker

One of my friends went away to college in upstate NY (near Canada). The people up there according to her should not be considered New Yorkers. They don't have Macys, they listen to country music, and their "down town" consists of what we call a Strip mall here. They are more hicks than anything else. Here is something she wrote about being a New Yorker upstate.

"I have never been to the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State building. I mean Manhattan when I say "the city." I've considered smacking someone for saying "the big apple." My closet is full of black clothes. I walk faster than most people run. I don't hear sirens. I'm suspicious of strangers who are actually nice. When I pass a celebrity, I don't go nuts. I have a minimum of 5 worst cab stories. Westchester IS upstate. Anything west of the Hudson River is non-existent. I consider eye contact an act of overt aggression. I have not seen more than 12 stars since going to the one-day camp. I know how to get from Columbus circle to Battery Park, but I still can't find Wisconsin on a map. I am from NYC."- Intangible Reveri

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