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Fuggin Kids

Seeing these little degenerate fucks makes me happy and sad all at the same time.

Happy because I’m not one of them. Sad because this is apparently the sad state of affairs our country is in now. Where the best possible night is to harass a manager at the local Wendys. Sweet Jesus, and to do the same thing every night. At least think of something original. Like sticking potatoes in peoples exhaust pipes and shit. Granted it’s a wee bit more destructive but at least it’s different. I swear, I don’t wanna pay for these kids well-fair.

Staten Island kids piss me off. If I was the psychopath people believe me to be I’d kill-em-all, or throw bricks at their houses, or take the milk out of the fridge and leave it on the counter so it’ll go bad while they sleep.

But I’m not, and I’m stuck having to share an island with them. If you ignore them; act like they aren’t there, it makes them angry. Then they decide to start shit for no reason. If I were the violent person people say I am I’d rid everyone of the filth that are the children of Staten Island.

None of them fight for themselves. They all need their friends with them. Pussies. If you are old enough and big enough to open your mouth, you’re big enough to take a beating.

I got a bad temper but I don’t do anything with it. Usually I’ll just sit there quiet and not say anything in fear that if I move even an inch I’ll do something dumb, or I’ll just write down what I’m thinking to calm my silly ass down. When I’m mad there are only a few people I would want to talk to about it. Otherwise I want to just be alone. I swear if I ever did get into a fight where my pure rage took over I’d beat some fucker senseless and then make him kiss some other dude to make him realize how much a bitch he truly is. Then if i feel truly sick,, I'll sneak into their house and crap in the middle of their living room floor, because as Dave Attell says"there's nothing more mysterious than a dump in the middle of the floor".

Well the weather is starting to get cold again... wonder if the puffy coat is still gonna be in style. God I hope not. BUT, if it is, I must make a game called "kill the puffy coat". God I hate those fuckin coats.

In conclusion,, I would just like to say that I hate all you little fucks, and my 2 life goals are to make alot of money, and move away from all you little hood rats.

Have a nice day.

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