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Random Thoughts 10/24/02

Hmmm, Seems leaving little bits of paper with my website address on it does work in bringing more people to the site, to a certain extent. Anyways.

Due to the constant badgering of certain people, I have started buying "nice" clothes. Gone are the days of Jncos, and band T-shirts. But gawd damn I look good in these "nice" clothes. The only strange part is when I see my rocker brethren; I do not look like the normal stereotype of a rocker and I know how rockers are some times. We will not talk to people outside our social group. But if you don wanna talk cause how I look…. FUCK YA”LL! Heh

* random thought *
I wonder what a Mexicans lawn looks like.
The guys who do peoples lawns do nice jobs,
I wonder if they ever get together in free time
and cut each other’s lawns.

Man I really gotta remember to fart upwind. Just gotta wiff-a-sumthin and nearly knocked myself out.

I was reading the Mens Health Style guide this month, and WTF. All the stuff they show is really expensive. I mean what the hell; I’m as poor as fuck. How am I supposed to buy this stuff? I guess I’ll have to go to Target and K-mart and see what they got that’s similar. Because honestly if you see someone wearing a sweater they bought in Macys and a sweater they bought for 20 bucks less in Target, you ain’t gonna be able to tell the difference just from looking at it. Why in gods’ name would I want to spend 100 bucks for a shirt and a pair of pants? I NEED CLOTHES FOR THE WHOLE WEEK! And you can only wear the same pair of pants so many times before you have to finally admit that they are dirty.

If anyone came to this site because they found that little piece of paper with the web address on it please Email me HERE. Just let me know if my ingenious plan of littering actually worked.

Well I got to take a dump, got a little turtlehead. EWWWWWW!
Yeah so anyway, I’m peacin out,,,,,,ummm,,,,,yo.
Later all.

Any feelings on what I wrote? Tell me E-Mail The Ventstation

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