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Random Thoughts and Events 5/12/02

Life is goooooooood.
Who da man.
I'm back. Oh yes, I am back.
These days have been the frigin greatest days in a LONGGGGG TIME.
Man what have I have been doing with myself? Lemme tell ya.
I've been meeting lots of new people.
Enjoying looking at all the beautiful sun bathers in central park.

Life lately has been fucking great, a few little speed bumps here and there, but i don't slow down for those mutha fuckers,, i just fly over em. Sometimes when you think something bad just happened, it turns out it was the best mutha fucking thing to ever fucking happen to you. See cursing isn't bad ,, as long as it happy cursing.

There is something i'd like to say though. YOU STUPID MUTHA FUCKERS, DON"T GO HITTING PEOPLE WHO AIN"T EVEN IN THE PIT YOU STUPID ASSES, JESUS CHRIST. I'm standing there minding my own fucking bussiness then these 2 knuckleheads come bouncing into my path and punch me in the head twice. I'm glad i was in a good mood. Otherwise i would have stomped there nuts in so they couldn't have kids as dumb as them. I'm ok though, thanks for asking.

I love being tan. Cause people always say, "are you tanned or are you naturally that dark?". I dunno why that excites me so much but it does. LET ME HAVE MY FUN!

I'm a bad son. I didn't get my momma anything for mothers day. I don't deserve to have a good mothers day dinner with chicken and stuffing and ooooohhhhh goooodddddddd BISQUITS. I'm loving the bisquits.

I've been sitting here for 3 hours now,,and i gotta go to the bathroom but this chair is way way to comfortable. Hell i won't even lean foward at this point to have some of the soda that is on my desk. Just call me lazy ass.

Well i think i will now try to move my lazy ass out of my nice big leather chair and actually do some work. I really need to clean my room so certain people can come over.
Wink wink ,snicker snicker, AAHHH OOOOOO GAAAAAA.

Peace out cub scoute.

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