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I would so love to be bitching about something right now but I can't seem to get my thoughts together in a coherant manner so that they would express what I'm feeling. Let's just say I'm really really sick of alot of shit thats been going on lately.

I got a crappy ass job, I don't get nearly enough hours. My love life is sorta lacking. I haven't done shit with anyone for over 3 months now and I'm gonna crack. But hey at least this experience is showing me I could never make it as a priest, and also the fact I don't like to touch little boys. I need to make some money but of course you need money in order to make money. If I could just take all this stupid shit I write and compile it into a book and sell it.....that would be great. But who the fuck is gonna buy a book of this shit? Yeah I would ,but I'm retarded. Also I gotta start watching my language again. The last time I stopped cursing every other word was when I was with my old gf from back in the day,,,, well my now former gf but still love of "my" life is yelling at me everytime I do it 2.

Also I don't like the fact that I have been drinking lately to be able to think normally. I don't mean getting drunk er nuthin just a shot or 2 to relax me.

""With my hands around your neck
who will stop me now?
With my hands around your neck
who will stop me now?
with my hands around your neck
who will stop me now?
with my hands around your neck
who will stop me now?


Something I've noticed is ,, if your drinking and you stick 2 one drink but you have to much and puke. That drink will never taste the same again.

eh i'm done for now.