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Random Thoughts and Events.

2002 is gonna be a great year. I can tell already. First off, New Years Eve I got totally sloshed. FUN FUN FUN. I drank way more than I should have. I did not however drink to a point where I forgot I had a gf. Anyways. The next morning i have my first "hey where did that come from?" experience. I had this really nasty looking cut/bruise on my left shoulder. I have no idea how it got there but it hurt like a motha. It's healing quite nicely though. Thanks for asking.

I had fun getting up my stairs when i got home and then actually making it to my bed was an adventure all in it's own. I puked , passed out,,woke up,laughed at myself for passing out,,puked, passed out again,, then managed to get to my bed. WHOOHOO. I wake up in the morning feeling fucking fantastic though.

My New Years Resolution is to do something everyday. It has to be something that either makes me think and/or move alot. So far so good.

I was in a band for about a day. At least now i can write down on my resume "been in band(for a day)". The music is fucking awsome,, but the song was kicken my ass. I just couldn't get into it. I don't think i would have wanted to put the time into it so i quit quick so i don't ruin my friendship with my freind.

I went to the village yesterday. I tried so damn hard to get my silly ass lost in the city but couldn't do it. I thought i had succeded for a minute but then realized i had just gone in a really big circle.

Man the shit you see in the village. I saw a guy straight out of a Culture Club video. Big burly men walking tiny tiny dogs wearing sweaters, and i found a store named "DICK". Of course i had to investigate the store. First thing you are greeted with when you walk in is a guy behind the counter wearing tight leather and one of those leather cop hat things. I tried to not act like i was freaked and stayed in the store for a little bit. It basically had clothes no one wants. Some of em looked pretty cool. I would have purchased some hats but unfortunatly for me, my gigantic head prevented me from getting anything.

Oh and before i even got to the village i was trying to find a store so i asked this group of people. They looked cool and not like people who would want to anally rape me. Anyway. They didn't know where the place was so i started to walk away but they wouldn't let me... next thing i know they give me a book "help from above". AWWWW SHIT , missionaries. fuck fuck fuck. I tried to be nice and give it back to them but they wouldn't take it. hehe when they gave it to me i said :>/ "god dammit" , they replied "no no no" he can lead you to where you need to go. "He can get me to Yellow Rat Bastard?" ,,"ummmm",, "yeah thats what i thought,have fun"

Well thats it for now i think. I'm sure there would be more from New Years if i hadn't drank so much. Oh well.