OK people here is a loooonnnng list of pick up lines I found. Most of them are old but they are still funny. Please don't make a fool of your self by using these, unless you don't care about getting laid or anything like that.Ok here we go.

"Gee,I didn't know angels flew so low."

"Is this your broom, you know the one you used to sweep me off my feet."

"[Tap your thigh.] You just think this is my leg."

"How about you and I go back to my place and get out of these wet clothes?"

"So... How am I doing?"

"How about you sit on my lap and we'll see what pops up? OR: Why don't you sit on my lap and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up."

"Is it hot in here or is it just you?"

"If I told you you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?"

"Can I flirt with you?"

"Nice shoes. Wanna f*ck?"

"The word of the day is legs. Let's go back to my place and spread the word."

"May I lick your forehead?"

"Can I buy you a drink, or do you just want the money?"

"Is that Windex? Because I can see myself in your pants."

"I'm a bird watcher and I'm looking for a Big Breasted Bed Thrasher, have you seen one?"

"Wanna Play House? You be the screen door and I'll slam you all night long."

"You might not be the best looking girl here, but beauty is only a light switch away."

"I'm fighting the urge to make you the happiest woman on earth tonight."

"Excuse me but I'm doing a report on stamina. Would you be interested in finding the true meaning of marathon?."

"You know you might be asked to leave, you make the other women look bad."

"Be different, say yes."

"Mind if I stare at you up close instead of from across the room?"

"Love is like a rug...walk all over me...lie on me...but no animals allowed."

"What time do you have to be back in heaven?."

"Excuse me, do you believe in love at first sight or do I have to walk past you again?"

"My face is leaving in 10 minutes... are you gonna be on it or not?"

"That's a nice shirt...could I talk you out of it?"

"Hey baby! Wanna go get some pizza and screw? What you don't like pizza?"

"Want to come see my HARD DRIVE? I promise it isn't 3.5 inches and it isn’t floppy."

"Darling...I'd walk 3 miles over broken glass in bare feet to kiss the ass of the dog who pissed on the hubcap of the truck that took your panties to the cleaners.."

"There's a party in my pants and you're invited."

"No wonder the sky is gray today, all the blue is in your eyes."

"The only thing your eyes haven't told me is your name."

"If I follow you home will you keep me?"

"Hi my name is Chance, Do I have one?"

"Hi! I'm a mammologist. Care for a free exam? (This one actually worked!)."

"Kisses are the language of love. Want to indulge in a little conversation?."

"So GOD really is a woman."

"Up to 3 seconds ago I did not really believe in love."

"Want to help me test out the shocks in my car?."

"I always knew heaven would send me an angel."

"You remind me of an award winning trout, I can not decided if i want to mount you or eat you."

"If I get drunk...will you take advantage of me?"

"Hi you'll do."

"Do you work for UPS because I cant help notice you starring at my package."

"I'm going to have sex with you tonight, so you might as well be there."

"(Sneeze) Gee, I think I'm allergic to your clothes! Can you take them off?"

"Hey baby, I lost my virginity, can I borrow yours?."

"Fuck me if I'm wrong....but haven't we met before?"

"I know milk does a body good, but DAMN, how much have you been drinking?"

"I'd walk a million miles for one of your smiles, and even farther for that thing you do with your tongue."

"You have 250 bones in your body, want another?"

"If you were the last woman and I was the last man on earth, I bet we could do it in public."

"(motion for girl to come here with one finger), "If I can make you come with this finger, imagine what I could do with all five!"

"So, do you want to see something really swell?"

"Was it just me or did I notice you staring at my erection."

"So, your a girl HUH?"

"Is your father retarded? (usual response is a puzzled no) because you're special"

"Can you come and help me tonight? Because my left hand always gets tired"

"You have been a very naughty girl! Now go to my room!"

"You don't sweat much for a fat chick"

"If I could be anything I'd be your body lotion....."

"is it cold outside or are you just smuggling tic-tacs?"

"A study proves that people who had sex 2-5 times a week have a higher life expectancy. Wanna live longer?"

"Hi, I'm a jack-ass, but I'm working on it."

"You might as well give me your number....I'm going to follow you home anyway."

"How About You be the 6 and I'll be the 9?"

"The #1 pick-up line in the state of Maine: Hey baby nice toothe"

"so..... do you want to do it now or later"

"Can we go back to my place and have sex, or do I have to pretend that I like you first?"

"Tell a girl get down on your knees and smile like a doughnut."

"Hey baby would you like to box, then get on all fours and give me a swift blow to the head."

"Did you know we are all naked under our clothes????"

"Hey baby. "Im sweet , want a taste?"

"mean people suck ,but nice people swallow. wich one are you?"

"Hi!!!! My name is pogo want to jump on my stick!!!!"

"Hey Baby!"

"Is your dad a thief, oh crap, I forgot the rest, bye"

"Your eyes are from the moon, wait, out of this world, CRAP, bye"

"president clintons newest pickup line...hey baby, can you keep a secret!"

"I don't know what you're saying but it's making me horny."

"You know women are like parking spots all the good ones are taken and the rest are handicaped, which are you?"

"Hey I had a dream about you last night, it was a wet one."

"You're too smooth. I think you need a hump!"

"I'd like to screw your brains out....But apparently someone beat me to it."

"Did you spill your drink on me or did i wet myself? "

"I'm looking for a lovely successful business woman whose hobby is housework."

""Im the chicken your the egg which will come first?"

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