^^OOOOOO I wrote curse all scary like^^

always thought this but I never really saw it all put together in a nice little package for me. I know why I have trouble scorin points wit the ladies. IT"S BECAUSE I'M A NICE GUY. In other words i don't have the Asshole gene that the women seem to be attracted to. My friend showed me this movie where a kid was trying to have this girl fall in love with him , and his friend came along and explained to him why it'll never happen. The reason is because there are select men that are born with the Asshole gene. This gene makes them make that annoying sound when they are going to spit, and it also makes them scratch there ballz every 2 seconds (as if they were protecting the Royal Jewels and they had to make sure they were still there). Now I've seen this countless of times, you see a perfectly nice looking girl that has a nice personality and everything , but she hooks up with an asshole that can't seem to function in the normal world. Meanwhile I'm sitting there like WTF, getting no action what so ever. Another big reason I ain't gettin any is because of the Tottenville curse. Well for you poor saps that don't know what it is yet, I'll explain.
1 A girl can have a perfect face but a fucked up body.
2 A girl can have a beautiful body (apple ass, the works) yet her face will be screwed up.
3 The perfect ones are taken by assholes.
4 The nice guys get the bitches.
5 The assholes get the sweet ones.
Now I heard some words tonight while I was watching Downtown on MTV that I think are the three most powerful and thought provoking words I've ever heard, AND THESE WORDS "ARE" THE KEY TO HAPPINESS. "LOWER YOUR STANDARDS". I have new information , on how nice guys finish last. This girl I know who shall remain nameless , has proven to me that the true nice guy truly does finish last in the big picture. This girl has a boyfriend who is looked upon by me as a doof. In talking to this girl , she said that he treats her like crap. He doesn't take her to the movies , won't go to the city with her , and hardly even goes to the mall with her. He says he loves her , but he hasn't done anything to prove his love. Now I think this girl is the best he or anyone for that matter could get. Shes sweet , good looking and intelligent. You would expect this guy to treat her like a princess , he doesn't . I would , I would treat any girl I was going out with like she was the only one alive , make her feel like she was the most important thing in my life. But from what I hear this putz doesn't. Just goes to show you the asses get the girls , and I (the nice guy) got "Jack Schit".
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