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If I could be anyone in the world,, It would be either of these to people. Both of them are my idols. T-1000 for his insane killing abilities and Brad Pitt for just being the man.

If I ever found a magic lamp and had to make 3 wishes, I already know what the wishes would be. First would wish for the T-1000’s powers but with a few minor changes. I would be very specific because as we all know genies love to screw us over with our wishes. I would want to be able to feel pleasure but not pain. Why would I want to not feel anything when I’m getting my mack on. Also I would want to be able to change my mass as well as my shape. Because if you remember the T-1000 could only change shape, but he had the same mass, just stretched out differently. The second wish would be that I couldn’t be frozen or melted. I’m not going to let my ass get caught like he did in the movie. The third wish wouldn’t be used until an emergency. I’m not going to use all my wishes and then get screwed over later on. I gotta make sure I have that one last wish to save my ass.

Brad Pitt is just about the fucking coolest guy ever. His movies are the shit(Meet Joe Black doesn’t count). Movies like 7, 12 monkeys, The Mexican all rocked. But the godliest of all movies ever created has to be Fightclub. This is the best movie ever made. I fall asleep to this movie every night, before I sleep I throw the tape in. Tyler Durden is the shit. I would love to be him. He fucks how I wanna fuck , looks how I wanna look, and is free in all the ways that I am not. Ed Norton is great too, don’t get me wrong. In American history X he was insane. Fuckin crazy and shit “ BITE THE FUCKING CURB!!!”. But Brad Pitt has that crazy ass humor in his roles.

If I really had to choose to be either one of these godly people. I would have to be the T-1000. He just has so much more to him. I mean I can turn into a fucking floor for god sakes, or make my dick really big. HOW COOL IS THAT!?!?! My first order of business would to be go on that killing spree I haven’t been able to get to lately due to time constraints.

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