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101 Ways a Girl Can Say No.

Here's a short list of the ways We've heard "NO" in no particular order.
by... Mr Giggles Worth , Monkey Splooge and random guys.

1) NO
2) I'm seeing someone
3) But we are just good friends
4) I just don't think of you "that" way
5) But we are just good friends(this one hurts so much i just had to write it twice).
6) You are a real "nice guy" but.....
7) No , eww.
9) I think of you as a brother! ~ouch~
10) I have such a busy schedule right now to have a boyfriend....
11) Maybe we could take it slow and see where it goes (not realizing that your always going to be just friends)
12) When you call the girl ya like and another guy picks up her phone, and no it's not her brother.
13) When you think you have that chance, and you go to her house to hang-out. You see her come down the stairs (seeing you standing there) and walk back up.
14) There are plenty of nice girls out there, you'll find one soon, don't worry.
15) I am just not your type
16) It's not's me
17) I don't like going out with younger guys
18) Lets just be friends and see where that leads(HA!)
19) Nows not a good time for me
20)I like your personaility...but...
21)UMM I'm gay.
22)I like your best friend, can you set us up?
23)It's not's you.
24)Your a sweet guy,,but i'm not attracted to you.
NOTE:women are evil
25)ur to good for me

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